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钙的吸收是一个复杂的生理过程,因而补钙并不是一件简单的事,为达到预期目的,以下几个方面值得关注。(1)要考虑年龄因素:从年龄方面来说:婴幼儿发育最快,肠道对钙的吸收能力最强,吸收率达50%左右;4岁后吸收率略有下降,达40%;成年人的吸收率只有20%,且呈逐年下降趋势,每10岁下降5%~10%;孕妇和哺乳妇女的吸收率有所提高,可达30%~40%。因此,在补钙时要考虑年龄因素,肠道吸收率越高,按每千克体重计算补充的钙剂量要越小,反之则要增大一些。如老年人每次服用的钙剂量就要大一些,与青壮年相比,剂量应加大1/2倍。 Calcium absorption is a complex physiological process, so calcium is not a simple task, in order to achieve the desired purpose, the following aspects deserve attention. (1) The age factor should be considered: In terms of age, infants and young children develop the fastest, the intestinal absorption capacity of calcium is the strongest, and the absorption rate reaches 50%. After 4 years of age, the absorption rate slightly decreases to 40%. The absorption rate of adults is only 20%, and showed a downward trend year by year, every 10 years down 5% to 10%; pregnant women and lactating women increased the absorption rate, up to 30% to 40%. Therefore, calcium should be considered when the age factor, the higher rate of intestinal absorption, Calcium supplement per kilogram of body weight calculated to be smaller, otherwise it should be increased. If the elderly take each dose of calcium will be larger, compared with young adults, the dose should be increased 1/2 times.
我国社会学研究恢复的30年里, “社会分层研究”是成果最多和发展最快的研究领域之一,在此期间,根据不同的时代因素,社会中也出现了许多新的阶层,社会结构向着多元化的方向发