搞好水利工程整修 增强农业发展后劲

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固始县是河南省比较大的县,全县有200多万亩耕地,水利工程设施星罗棋布,有62座小型水库、85座机电灌站、65座水电站、4万多座塘坝、9处大中型灌区、31处堤防。这些水利设施对全县农业生产和经济发展起着举足轻重的作用。前几年,由于放松了对水利工程设施的管理,缺乏正常的维修和更新改造,致使许多工程不能充分发挥效益。去冬今春,固始县开展了以整修水利工程为主要内容的农田水利建设,规模大,进度快,质量高,效果好。一个冬春,全县共出动劳力 Gushi County is a relatively large counties in Henan Province, the county has more than 200 acres of arable land, water conservancy engineering facilities dotted with 62 small reservoirs, 85 electromechanical irrigation stations, 65 hydropower stations, more than 40,000 ponds, 9 large Medium-sized irrigation area, 31 embankments. These water conservancy facilities play an important role in the county’s agricultural production and economic development. In previous years, due to the relaxation of the management of water conservancy facilities and the lack of normal maintenance and renovation, many projects failed to bring their full benefits into full play. Go winter and spring, Gushi County carried out the renovation of water conservancy projects as the main content of farmland water conservancy construction, large scale, fast progress, high quality, good effect. A winter and spring, the county mobilized labor
七、地面塌陷的声音很闷 当我们用地下宝藏这个词来形容地下的矿产资源时,我们实际上已将矿产资源与土地联系在一起了。现代社会的飞速发展,造就了现代大工业。现代工业发展
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科技部2000年12月13日召开新闻发布会,公布了中国科学技术信息研究所承担的1999年中国科技人员(不包括港、澳、台)在国内外发表论文数量和论文被引用情况的统计结果:“ 1999年中国科技论文统计分
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