
来源 :经济地理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lollio
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公司地理是本世纪六十年代初美国地理学家R.B.麦克尼首先提出的。其主旨是企图“使经济地理学中仅仅对物的分析转移到对人及社会组织机构的关注上来”。六十年代以来工业组织的跨国发展及全球化十分迅速,加之七十年代地理学中的行为主义的促进,公司地理作为工业地理学一个新研究领域逐渐活跃起来。现国外有数量可观的工业地理学出版物涉及这个领域,其发展令人关注。 Company geography is the beginning of the sixties of this century American geographer R. B. McNerney first proposed. Its purpose is to “shift the analysis of mere matter in economic geography to the concern of human beings and social organizations.” Since the 1960s, the transnational development and globalization of industrial organizations have been very rapid. In addition to the promotion of behaviorism in geography in the 1970s, corporate geography has gradually become a new field of research in industrial geography. There are a great number of industrial geography publications in foreign countries now that are involved in this area and their development is of concern.
AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between ulcerative colitis activity and plasma or mucosal concentrations of interleukin (IL)-18. METH
<正> 马克思曾经指出:“我们在亚当·斯密的书(即《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》——引者)中不但看到关于价值概念的‘对立见解的痕迹’,不但看到两种,而且看到三种,更确切地说,甚至四种尖锐对立的关于价值的看法,这些看法在他的书中相安无事地并存和交错着”。对于斯密书中“相安无事地并存和交错着”的四种“尖锐对立的”价值理论,马克思曾在《剩余价值理论》(即《资本论》第四卷)等著作中比较明确地分析了三种,即价
中国的音乐网将有望打败老美的苹果网,到现在为止爱国者音乐网已经与华纳和环球等多家唱片公司达成合作关系。 China’s music network will be expected to defeat the old
AIM: To compare Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric mucosal histological features of gastric ulcer patients with chronic gastritis patients in different a
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems assume that their users download files in proportion to their sharing. Unfortunately, users are unlikely to do so withou
Background: The diagnostic yield of push enteroscopy (PE) in patients with unexplained overt GI bleeding is about 30%. The aim of this study was to assess for p
目前严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)已经成为威胁人类健康的重要传染病之一。就SARS的病原学诊断、临床表现和影像学特点进行综述。 At present, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr
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Accumulating evidence demonstrates that resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic compound extracted from plants, inhibit inflammation when administered. It has direc