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1.现代化建设第三步战略部署我国现代化建设分“三步走”的战略部署,是根据邓小平同志提出的战略设想,经过十二大、十三大逐步形成的。十二大确定的奋斗目标是,从1981年到二十世纪末的二十年,力争使全国工农业的年总产值翻两番。在此基础上,十三大形成了“三步走”的战略部署,这就是:第一步,实现国民生产总值比1980年翻一番,解决人民温饱问题。第二步,到二十世纪末,使国民生产总值再增长一倍,人民生活达到小康水平。第三步,到二十一世纪中叶,人均国民生产总值达到中等发达国家水平,人民生活比较富裕,基本实现现代化。十三大宣布,温饱问题到1987年已经基本解决。2000年10月召开的十五届五中全会宣布,我国已经实现了现代化建设前两步战略目标,人民生活总体上达到了小康水平。从新世纪开始,我国已进入全面建设小康社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的新的发展阶段,也就是开始实施第三步战略部署的新阶段。 1. The Third Strategic Deployment of Modernization The strategic deployment of “three steps away” in the modernization drive of our country is based on the strategic vision put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping and has been gradually formed through the 12th and 13th National Congress. The goal set by the 12th CPC National Congress is to strive to quadruple the annual gross output value of industry and agriculture from 1981 to the 20th of the 20th century. On this basis, the 13th CPC National Congress has formed a strategic plan of “three steps”, which is as follows: In the first step, the GNP will be doubled from 1980 to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people. The second step is to double the GNP by the end of the twentieth century and achieve a well-off standard for the people. Thirdly, by the middle of the 21st century, the per capita gross national product has reached the level of the moderately developed countries, the people’s livelihood has become more prosperous, and the modernization has basically been achieved. The 13th National Congress announced that the issue of adequate food and clothing has basically been solved by 1987. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced in October 2000 that our country has achieved the first two stages of its strategic goal of modernization and that the people’s life as a whole has reached a well-to-do level. Starting from the new century, our country has entered a new stage of development in building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating the socialist modernization. It is also a new phase in the implementation of the strategic deployment of the third phase.
摘 要:物理课程一直是初中教育领域中非常重要的一个课程,而且对学生来说难度比较大,要求学生具有较强的逻辑思维和善于思考、动脑的习惯。而现在部分教师仍然比较注重知识的传授,但是在新课程背景下,新课标对教学方式以及学生学习的有效性比较重视,因此,文章尝试对初中物理教学中学生的有效学习进行了重点分析,对教学效率的提升具有重要意义。  关键词:初中物理;课堂教学;有效学习  初中物理的学习主要是对学生的观
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摘 要:高效课堂是新课程改革推行的主要目的,是教师优化学科课堂教学设计的出发点和落脚点。要想打造一节高效的高中物理课堂,教师需着力培养和提升学生的物理学习能力和知识水平,实施有效教学,进而提升教学整体效率。本文基于高效课堂视角,结合作者自身教学实际经验,深入探讨高中物理高效课堂的教学方法。  关键词:高中物理;高效课堂;有效性;教学质量;教学方法  新形势下,高中物理学科教学的目标及要求越来越高,
思为母亲负荆请罪  刘女士 38岁  科研人员  【诉说】说到被迫做的事,太多了。很小的时候,有人把盐塞到我嘴里,强迫我不哭;有人把扁担压到我肩上,强迫我去挑水;有来道歉的残局,逼着我去见那帮恶人。我一个孩子,能做错什么?那个胖女人不该打吗?你,我的亲妈,省自己吗不该反省自己吗?出来。工  喜为母亲负荆请罪  刘女士 38岁  科研人员  【诉说】我是2012年年底正式退休的。在大国企党办搞了
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