
来源 :流行歌曲(e乐族) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oslo123
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在时下的歌坛,同周杰伦一样走红的歌手无疑是S.H.E组合了,三个女生近两年来的年收入都名列台湾歌手前三名。从第一张专辑《女生宿舍》的青涩,到拒绝成熟的《不想长大》,从台湾地区的演唱会,到中国、马来西亚、美国的超人气演唱会, S.H.E掀起了一阵高过一阵的音乐旋风。 In today’s pop music scene, singers like Jay Chou are undoubtedly S. H. E combined, the three girls in the past two years have ranked the top three annual income of Taiwanese singers. From the first album, “Seniors quarters” Sentimental, to reject the mature “do not want to grow up,” from concerts in Taiwan, to China, Malaysia, the United States of the ultra-popular concert. H. E set off a burst of music whirlwind after a while.