
来源 :科技信息(科学教研) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nengding
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本文在分析传统《电子技术》教学存在的问题及不足,介绍理论实践一体化教学方法特点的基础上,从培养学生能力出发,阐述了在《电子技术》教学中应用理论实践一体化教学方法的实施的过程及条件。 Based on the analysis of the problems and shortcomings of the traditional “electronic technology” teaching and the introduction of the characteristics of the integrated teaching method of theoretical practice, this article elaborates the application of integrated practice of theory and practice in the teaching of “electronic technology” based on the training of students’ abilities Implementation process and conditions.
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Based on analyzing the surface air temperature series in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere and the tropical cyclone (TC) over the western North Pacific Ocean
Numerical simulation and analysis of seawater intrusion is the mathematical basis for modern environmental science. Its mathematical model is the nonlinear coup
刘墨鸿,1972年生于河北丰润,1992年至1996年于济南服役,1996年进修于天津美术学院,1999年毕业天津工艺美院绘画系,2006年获天津第六届青年美展银奖。 Liu Mohong was born i
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