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本文主要分析了当前初中物理教学中学生常见的一些学习困难和存在问题,阐述了在当前形势下,加强初中物理智能学习系统设计的重要性,针对目前初中物理教学中存在的问题进行研究,笔者通过研究,总结和归纳自身多年工作经验,提出关于初中物理智能学习系统的构想,为学生提供个性化的学习环境。希望通过本文的分析。能帮助初中物理学科知识的智能学习系统的设计,以此来实现智能学习。 This article mainly analyzes some common learning difficulties and existent problems of junior middle school physics teaching, expounds the importance of strengthening junior middle school physics intelligent learning system design under the current situation, aiming at the problems existing in middle school physics teaching at present, Research, summarize and summarize their own years of work experience, put forward the concept of junior high school physics intelligent learning system to provide students with personalized learning environment. Hope that through this article’s analysis. The design of intelligent learning system that can help junior middle school physics knowledge, in order to achieve intelligent learning.
时光荏苒,白驹过隙,一晃又到了一年一度的圣诞节。同学们,今天我们就来学习一下跟圣诞有关的英语。圣诞节为每年的12月25日,是西方基督教国家最重要的节日,就好比我 Time fl
在二冲程汽油机的排气过程中 ,采用排动管向排气口反射负压和正压波 ,负压波的峰值在下死点附近到达排气口 ,有利于气缸内的废气排出 ,正压波的峰值在扫气口关闭时到达排气口
那是两个月前的一天下午,第三节课是学生自习的时间,我正坐在讲桌前批改作业。这时,一个学生很委屈地向我报告:“张老师,课间小新老是打我……”一听这话,我关切地问: That
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小朋友们都知道了,在非洲草原上,有不少重量级的动物朋友,像大象啊、犀牛啊、野牛啊,都是。这次,我还要给大家介绍一位重量级的朋友:河马。 The children all know that the
Experiments on boiling heat transfer from a mechanically fabricated porous layer atatmospheric and superatmospheric pressures are conducted, the effect of syste