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糖尿病患者进行胰岛移植是一个比较理想的治疗办法,但由于组织移植所发生的排异反应是目前医学上的一个难题.如若能将移植的胰岛外裹一层免疫隔离膜和被移植者的免疫系统隔离,则是一种克服排斥的有效手段.重庆医科大学附属一院人工细胞实验室舒昌达教授等采用先进的人工细胞微囊技术,用海藻酸钙外面包裹一层聚-L-赖氨酸,制成微囊包膜进行胰岛移植研究.实验证明,该膜可允许培养液中营养物质及胰岛素自由通过,但大分子量物质(如免疫球蛋白等)则不能透入而起到免疫屏障作用.将微囊包膜仔鼠胰岛进行体外培养,可见胰岛繁殖及稳定分泌胰岛素.用22只Wistar糖尿病大鼠,腹腔内移植包膜SD仔鼠胰岛观察其效果,完全缓解率达90%,缓解持续时间达4个月以上,其效果显著高于未包膜者(P<0.005),说明所制备的免疫隔离膜可阻止免疫球蛋白与移植物接触,为解决排斥问题提供了新途径,在组织移植抗排异方面是一个突破. Islet transplantation in diabetic patients is an ideal treatment, but due to the rejection of tissue transplantation is a medical problem .If the transplanted islets can be wrapped with a layer of immune barrier and transplanted immunity System isolation, it is an effective means to overcome the exclusion.Chongqing Medical University, a hospital artificial cell laboratory Professor Shu Changda and other advanced artificial cell microcapsule technology, with calcium alginate outside the layer wrapped poly-L-lysine , Made into microencapsulation for islet transplantation research.Experimental results show that the membrane can allow nutrients and insulin free passage through the medium, but large molecular weight substances (such as immunoglobulin, etc.) can not penetrate and play an immune barrier role The microcapsule-coated rat islets were cultured in vitro, showing that the islets multiply and secrete insulin steadily.With 22 Wistar diabetic rats, the effect of transplanted SD SD rat islets was observed by intraperitoneal injection and the complete remission rate was 90% Duration of more than 4 months, the effect was significantly higher than those without encapsulation (P <0.005), indicating that the prepared immunoisolecules can prevent immunoglobulin and graft contact, in order to solve Exclusion of the problem provides a new way in the organization of transplant rejection is a breakthrough.
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