
来源 :地质地球化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanpings
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新疆的宝玉石早已闻名中外。历来南天山-西昆仑地区以盛产玉石为主。但通过笔者近年来的地质考察、宝石学研究及加工工艺特性试验,发现了许多宝石新品种。其中,宝石级金刚石在塔里木盆地西南缘冲积物中不断出土,以及金伯利岩岩管的发现,为在这一地区寻找金刚石矿产显示出前景;在矽卡岩型和区域变质型红、蓝刚玉矿中确有宝石级红、蓝宝石可供开发利用,尤其是矽卡岩型矿床商品价值极高;完全透明、美丽的紫色方柱石和方柱石猫眼石宝石,已为各产地和厂商带来明显的经济效益;色散强、美丽透明的金黄色捐石宝石的发现,填补了国内空白;南天山发现的绿透辉石引起了国内宝石界的极大兴趣。近年来不断发现的伟晶岩型宝石,其品级有可能超过传统的阿勒泰碧玺、海蓝宝石。研究结果表明,这些宝石新发现具有诱人的开发前景,可望在一定程度上促进新疆经济的发展。 Xinjiang’s jade has long been famous at home and abroad. Always South Tianshan - West Kunlun area to produce jade-based. However, through the author in recent years, geological examination, gemmological research and processing characteristics of the experiment and found that many new gem varieties. Among them, the gem-quality diamonds are continuously excavated in the alluvium on the southwestern margin of the Tarim Basin, and the discovery of kimberlite tubes shows a prospect for finding diamond minerals in this area. In skarn-type and regional metamorphic red and blue corundum There are indeed gem-quality red, sapphire for development and utilization, especially the skarn-type deposits of high value of goods; completely transparent, beautiful purple and pestle purple stone cat stone cat stone, has brought to the producer and manufacturer of obvious Economic benefits; strong dispersion, beautiful and transparent golden yellow gemstone found, to fill the gaps; found in the South Tianshan diopside caused great interest in the domestic gem community. Pegmatite type gemstones, which have been continuously discovered in recent years, are likely to surpass the traditional Altai tourmalines and aquamarine gems. The results show that these newly discovered precious stones with attractive development prospects are expected to promote the economic development of Xinjiang to a certain extent.
DCC基因位于人类染色体 1 8q2 1 .3 ,在 88%结肠癌、直肠癌患者中 ,DCC基因的表达明显减少或缺失。为了评价DCC基因在白血病发病及骨髓增生异常综合征 (MDS)转化为白血病的作用 ,我们检测
目的 :总结Nd∶YAG激光治疗血管球瘤的疗效。方法 :12例血管球瘤患者 ,女 10例 ,男 2例 ;年龄 2 0~ 5 6岁。甲下 9例 ,甲外指腹 3例。治疗前先用大头针试验确定病变部位 ,于定位处
患儿 ,男 ,12岁 ,1994年初确诊为急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL) L1型。经CODP(环磷酰胺、长春新碱、柔红霉素和泼尼松 )方案 1个疗程达完全缓解 (CR1)后 ,预防性给予颅脑放疗 2 0 0 0cGy ,巩固