澳大利亚国际农业研究中心委派联邦科学和工业研究组织的林业和林产品研究所矢崎义和博士(Dr.Yoshi Yazaki)于1989年9月17日至30日来华与林化所共同商议落实中澳合作项目8849项目协议书有关内容,同时也了解中澳合著“黑荆树及其利用”一书的编译进展情况。访问期间并受聘为中国林产化学化工学会名誉会员。根据中苏林业专家互访协议,苏联拉脱维亚加盟共和国“Silava”科研生产联合体总负责人、林业问题研究所所长、国际林联(IUFRO)执委会委员伊文(Imant Ievin)教
Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (CIGR) appointed Dr. Yoshihiko Yasushi, director of the Institute of Forestry and Forest Products of the Federal Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, to come to China for consultation with the Forestry Institute from September 17 to September 30, 1989 Cooperation project 8849 project agreement content, but also understand China and Australia co-author “Acacia tree and its utilization” a book compilation progress. During the visit and hired as China Forest Chemical Society Honorary Member. According to the agreement on the exchange of visits between forestry experts of China and the Soviet Union, the head of the research and production complex “Silava” of the Soviet Union in the Republic of Latvia, the director of the Institute of Forestry and the member of IUFRO Executive Committee Imant Ievin