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石家庄市对计划内、外物资,实行“同一销价、差价返还、逐步放开、扩大市场”的办法,通过返还价差,用价值补偿代替实物分配,为促使计划内物资市场化,逐步建立起以大中城市为中心,有组织有领导的生产资料市场,促进有计划商品经济的发展,提供了重要的经验。国家经委副主任、国务院物资体制改革领导小组副组长袁宝华前不久代表国务院物资体制改革领导小组提出要全面推广他们的经验,这是非常有意义的,对加快物资体制改革步伐,将会产生重大影响。进行物资体制改革,按照政企分开的原则,物资企业要办成自主经营的经济实体。因此,在物资企业中,也要实行多种形式的承包经营责任制,全面推行经理负责制和任期目标责任制。要坚持从生产出发、为生产服务的方针。要防止和克服官商作风,纠正以权谋私等不正之风。要坚持社会主义经营方向,遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,树立良好的职业道德,努力提高服务质量。 Shijiazhuang City implements the measures of “same price, price difference, gradual release, and expansion of the market” for materials in and out of the plan. Through the return price difference, value compensation is used in place of physical distribution. In order to promote the marketization of materials in the plan, it is gradually established. Focusing on large and medium-sized cities, the organization of leading production materials markets promotes the development of planned commodity economies and provides important experience. Yuan Baohua, deputy director of the State Economic Commission and deputy head of the State Council’s Materials Management and Reform Leading Group, recently proposed on behalf of the State Council’s Leading Group for Material System Reform the proposal to comprehensively promote their experience. This is very meaningful and will have significant impact on accelerating the pace of reform of the material system. influences. To carry out the reform of the material system, according to the principle of separation of government and enterprises, the material and material enterprises shall be organized into economic entities that operate independently. Therefore, in the material companies, it is also necessary to implement a variety of forms of contract responsibility system to implement the manager responsibility system and the term responsibility system. We must adhere to the principle of starting production and serving production. We must prevent and overcome the government-commercial style and correct unfair practices such as the use of power for personal gains. We must adhere to the direction of socialist business, observe the law, be honest, establish a good professional ethics, and strive to improve the quality of service.
<正> 商业是专门从事商品流通的国民经济部门。它在广州的社会主义经济建设中起过重要的历史作用。新中国成立初期,商业在开展城乡物资交流,活跃城乡经济,恢复国民经济,促进