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根据路由勘察区水深测量、旁侧声纳、浅地层剖面探测等多项物理探测所获取的资料,结合其它自然环境及历史资料,对勘察区内海底工程地质条件进行了详尽的分析和研究.此外,还对近20a来勘察区海床稳定性进行初步分析,为选择一条最佳的路由通道提供依据.研究分析表明:可能影响该海缆安全运行的不良工程地质条件主要为海底灾害性地貌,如基岩、潮流冲刷槽等;勘察区不同区域内海底冲淤变化存在一定差异,潮汐通道底部受较强冲刷,冲刷速率为0.035~0.1m/a,20m以浅区域海底处于弱冲刷状态—冲淤动态平衡状态,冲刷速率为0.015m/a,海床较稳定;该路由勘察区工程环境较适合海缆的铺设,且其最佳路由区域是在勘察区南半部相对稳定的海底平滑区. According to the data obtained from a number of physical surveys, such as water depth survey, side sonar and shallow ground profile surveys, and other natural environments and historical data, detailed analysis and research on the seafloor geological conditions in the survey area are carried out. In addition, the preliminary analysis of the seabed stability in the survey area for nearly 20 years is also provided, which can provide the basis for choosing an optimal routing channel.Research and analysis show that the bad engineering geological conditions that may affect the safe operation of the submarine cable are mainly the seabed disastrous landform Such as bedrock and tidal current erosion trough. There is a certain difference between seafloor scouring and silting changes in different areas of the survey area. The bottom of the tidal channel is subject to strong scouring with a scour rate of 0.035-0.1m / a and a weak scouring state in the shallow area of ​​20m- The scouring and silting dynamic equilibrium state, the erosion rate of 0.015m / a, the sea bed is more stable; the routing survey area engineering environment is more suitable for the laying of submarine cable, and the optimal routing area is relatively stable in the survey area south half of the smooth Area.
[研究背景]自20世纪80年代英国学者Barker提出“成人期疾病的宫内起源(fetal origin of adult disease)"学说以来,胎儿宫内发育情况对健康的长期影响受到越来越多的重视。出
改革开放以来,我国的城市建设飞速发展,而在城市建设中,无论是市政设施工程,还是新区开发、旧城改造工程,都会遇到一个棘手的问题,就是拆迁安置纠纷。 为了正确地处理这一纠
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