Behaviors That Help Build Trust 帮你获得信任的 几种行为

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  Put your phone down
  Maintaining eye contact when someone is talking will help build trust because it shows genuine interest, but that’s hard to do if you keep glancing at your phone or scanning around the room.
  Uncross your arms and legs
  You might only be crossing your arms and legs, say, because you’re cold, but that stance closes you off. Make sure your body looks open—you’ll look open to hearing others’ thoughts.
  Keep your palms open
  Pointing your fingers looks like an accusation, and clenching your fist makes you seem angry, even if you’re just using those gestures for emphasis. If you open your fingers, people will in turn be open to you. If you’re using your hand to emphasize and it’s an open palm, that shows openness.
  Sit down to other people’s level
  Sitting in a higher chair than other people indicates dominance over them—which is great if you want to seem more powerful, but not so good if you’re trying to build trust.
  Limit your note-taking
  Sometimes notes are necessary when you’re talking to a coworker, but make sure all that jotting doesn’t get in the way of your eye contact.
  Touch (appropriately)
  Lightly touching a friend on the hand can indicate your support for that person. A touch on the elbow or shoulder communicates more empathy than saying “Oh, I’m so sorry”.
  Smile and nod
  Nodding and smiling while someone is talking shows you’re listening, which indicates you’re interested in what the person is saying.
  Word Study
  genuine /'d?enju?n/ adj. 真正的;真实的
  The reforms are motivated by a genuine concern for the disabled.
  stance /st?ns/ n. 站姿
  emphasis /'emf?s?s/ n. 强调;重视
  The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language.
  jotting /'d??t??/ n. 简短的笔记
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Module 1  1—5 BBAAB6—10 BCCCC11—15 BCBCB  16—20 ACBAB21—25 DACBA26—30 DADCC  31—35 BDCAB36—40 BCDCA41—45 DBCDB  46—50 DACAD51—55 BCAAD56—60 DBCBB  61—65 DACCC66—70 CDBAD71—75 DADB
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