
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiyang_520
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职业教育作为现代教育体系的一个重要组成部分,是实施“科教兴国”战略的重要依托,是将科学技术转化为生产力的不可缺少的重要环节。目前,西南地区少数民族职业教育存在以下问题:学校总量发展不足;民族学校类型众多;学校布局稀疏;教育水平参差不齐;民族学校教育发展不平衡;教育内容脱离民族地区实际;双语教学实施困难;民族学校中多元文化并存;民族学校教育中有一定的宗教色彩。对于这些问题,目前的多数讨论还只是停留在诸多现状出现的成因上,一些相关专家学者也提出了对此问题的解决对策。如:加强政策领导、教育政策的支撑、办学模式的创新、资源优势的利用、对口支援、重视少数民族人才的培养、促进西部职业教育规模化集团化发展,等等,可是面对西南地区少数民族职业教育存在的问题仍需要加强对不同民族心理取向的研究,深入了解少数民族地区的职业教育需求。探索出一条适合民族地区发展的职业教育之路。 Vocational education, as an important component of the modern education system, is an important support for the implementation of the strategy of “rejuvenating China through science and education” and is an indispensable and important link in transforming science and technology into productive forces. At present, there are some problems in the vocational education for ethnic minorities in the southwestern regions: insufficient development of schools; numerous schools for ethnic minorities; sparse schools; uneven educational level; unbalanced development of education in ethnic schools; isolation of educational content from the actual conditions in ethnic minority areas; Difficulties; multi-cultural coexistence in ethnic schools; ethnic school education has a certain religious color. For these issues, the current majority of discussion is still just stuck in many causes of the status quo, some relevant experts and scholars also put forward the solution to this problem. Such as: strengthening policy leadership, support for education policy, innovation in school-running mode, the use of resources, counterpart support, emphasis on the training of ethnic minorities, and promoting the development of large-scale vocational education in West China, etc., but the face of the southwestern region The problems of the national vocational education still need to strengthen the study of the psychological orientation of different nationalities and to get a deeper understanding of the vocational education needs in ethnic minority areas. Explore a suitable way for the development of vocational education in minority areas.
目的 探讨二冬汤和有氧运动对2型糖尿病(T2DM)大鼠糖代谢和脂代谢作用的影响。方法 采用小剂量腹腔内注射链脲佐菌素(STZ,30 mg/kg)加高糖高热量饲料喂养的方法诱发并建立2型糖尿
目的 探讨并比较各个年龄组人牙釉质磨损行为的异同。方法 采用老年恒牙、年轻恒牙及乳牙各 8个釉质样本 ,经体外模拟摩擦试验测得其磨损量 ,通过测量硬度和断裂韧性以及分