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目的评估2014年2月中国(未包括香港、澳门和台湾地区,以下同)突发公共卫生事件及需要关注的传染病风险。方法根据国内外突发公共卫生事件报告及重点传染病监测等各种资料和部门通报信息,采用专家会商法以视频会议形式邀请全国26个省(直辖市、自治区)疾病预防控制中心专家参与评估。结果根据近期传染病和突发公共卫生事件监测数据,结合既往突发公共卫生事件发生情况及传染病流行特点分析,2月全国突发公共卫生事件的发生一般为全年报告最低水平,主要以呼吸道传染病、非职业性一氧化碳中毒、食物中毒等为主。近期我国内地可能继续出现人感染H7N9禽流感的散发病例;其他可感染人类的禽流感(如H10N8、H5N1等)可能有零星散发病例报告。全国南北方流感处于高峰水平,随着学校或托幼机构即将开学,流感暴发疫情会上升。中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒没有发现传染力改变的变异,春节前1周和春节期间(1周)全国无输入性病例,春节后虽然仍继续存在输入风险,但较春节前降低。近期影响我国的冷空气活动频繁,我国大部地区平均气温将比常年同期偏低,非职业性一氧化碳中毒仍将处于较高水平。结论 2014年2月全国突发公共卫生事件的发生一般为全年报告最低水平;需重点关注人感染禽流感(H7N9、H10N8和H5N1)疫情,一般关注流行性感冒、中东呼吸综合征疫情;要继续做好非职业性一氧化碳中毒预防和救治工作。 Objective To assess the public health emergencies in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the same below) and the risk of infectious diseases requiring attention in February 2014. Methods According to the reports of domestic and foreign public health emergencies and the monitoring of key infectious diseases, the experts from 26 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in the country were invited to participate in the assessment by means of video conference through expert consultation. Results According to the recent monitoring data of infectious diseases and public health emergencies, combined with the previous public health emergencies and the epidemiological analysis of infectious diseases, the incidence of public health emergencies in China in February was generally the lowest in the annual report, Respiratory infectious diseases, non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning, food poisoning and other mainly. In recent days, human cases of avian influenza H7N9 infection in humans may continue to occur in the Mainland of China. Other bird flu (such as H10N8, H5N1, etc.) that may infect humans may have sporadic case reports. Influenza infections in southern and northern China are at their peak. As the school or nursery school is about to start, the outbreak of influenza will rise. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (CVM) did not find any variation in contagion. There was no input in the whole country during the first week before Spring Festival and during the Spring Festival (1 week). Although there was still an import risk after the Spring Festival, it was lower than before the Spring Festival. The recent cold air activities affecting our country are frequent, and the average temperature in most areas of China will be lower than that in the same period of previous years, and the non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning will remain at a relatively high level. Conclusion The incidence of public health emergencies in the country in February 2014 is generally the lowest level in the annual report. The outbreaks of human infection with avian influenza (H7N9, H10N8 and H5N1) should be closely monitored. Epidemics with influenza and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Continue to do non-professional carbon monoxide poisoning prevention and treatment work.
目的:掌握我国北方地区乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染者HBV基因型分布情况,为了解其流行病学及临床意义提供基础.方法:首先采用巢式PCR法对801份血清进行HBV DNA检测,其中包括154份
英语口语语料库为英语口语教学提供了一个崭新的平台.本文从Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA)口语语料库在专业性较强的高职院校英语口语教学中的应用出发,探
课堂教学是学校教育活动的主要形式,是学生获取知识,形成能力,发展个性的主要途径。因此,在语文教学中提高课堂教学的实效性尤为重要。在低年级段 学生识字教学过程中,教师常常采用的是“写一写、比一比、加一加、减一减“的几种方法,课堂效率不是很高。我们的课堂不应该全是按部就班的传授,有时应该灵活多样地运用各种方法,提高识字教学的实效性。下面就谈谈自己平时的一些做法。  一、创设情景  创设情景指的是教师有