近年来国内胃肠病学者对功能性消化不良(FD)和肠易激综合征 (IBS)开展了较为广泛的研究。国际上对包括两病在内的胃肠道功能性疾病(FGID)的研究亦方兴未艾 ,为了统一诊断上的共识 ,国际胃肠病学者 ,先后制订Rome标准和RomeⅡ标准。后者是比较完善、普遍认同的
In recent years, domestic gastroenterology scholars conducted a more extensive study of functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). International research on FGID, including two diseases, is also in the ascendant. In order to unify the consensus on diagnosis, International Gastroenterology scholar has successively formulated the Rome standard and the Rome II standard. The latter is more perfect, generally accepted