
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_dai
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以美国引进的北美悬铃木种源上海松江试验点5年生的试验林为材料,根据2004年底的试验结果,进行了优良家系及优良单株的选择。结果表明:在松江试验点,不同种源间和种源内的家系间存在明显遗传差异。根据表型选择的12个优良家系,其树高、胸径、材积方面分别比家系平均值高出6.5%、12.31%、28.54%;选出的16个优良单株,其树高、胸径、单株材积增幅分别为18.05%、38.79%、100.55%,其中这3个性状增幅最大的单株分别增加了44.07%、62.91%、224.92%。综合优良家系及优良单株的评选表明,适合松江点的材料多分布于美国中南部纬度偏北、经度偏东的地区。 Based on the five-year-old pilot plantations of Pinus arboretum provenance from Shanghai, introduced from the United States, the selection of excellent families and elite individuals was conducted based on the results of the trial in late 2004. The results showed that there were obvious genetic differences among pedigrees in different provenances and provenances at Songjiang experimental site. According to the phenotypic selection of 12 elite families, the tree height, breast diameter and volume were 6.5%, 12.31% and 28.54% higher than that of pedigree respectively. Sixteen excellent individuals were selected and their tree height, DBH, single The increment of plant volume was 18.05%, 38.79% and 100.55% respectively, among which the single plant with the largest increase of these three traits increased by 44.07%, 62.91% and 224.92% respectively. The comprehensive selection of excellent families and excellent single plants showed that the materials suitable for Songjiang Point were mostly distributed in the north latitude and the longitude east of the central and southern United States.
一过长江,大蒜的拥趸就少了。吃蒜并非北 方人专利,但生吃却属于北地特色。江南人一般 不吃生的葱和蒜,从这一点上说,南北方差异巨 大。一方水土养一方人,人们的味觉习惯,是食脉, 是胃的故乡。  上海人历来在大蒜面前有点踯躅徘徊,尤其 是徒手生啃大蒜。上海的调性与大蒜的剽悍之风 和强烈性情并不相符(阳春面上的那撮青蒜叶除 外),这倒也是集体心照不宣的事实。带有大蒜 气息出入公众场合十分不雅,会令旁人产
介绍了世界上重要的混凝土面板堆石坝之一--高188 m的埃尔卡洪坝施工的最新进展情况、设计和施工特点,以及为了满足按设计、采购与施工合同规定的快速施工要求而研究的革新的
手机测试中一个主要关心的问题是它在很宽动态范围内的响应情况.与模拟或TDMA手机比较而言,CDMA手机尤其如此.因为CDMA手机在很宽的带宽范围内具有8 0dB动态范围,这种大动态