2D NMR Studies on the Benzodiheteropine and its Cycloaddition Products

来源 :Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ASGSXX1
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苯并硫氮杂卓是一类具有镇静作用的合成药物,对精神病,心脏病及高血压等疾病有一定疗效。为了深入探讨其结构与药效关系,应用1H1HCOSY,13C1HCOSY和NOESY等2DNMR技术对苯并硫氮杂卓1及其环加成产物2~5进行了研究,对其1H、13CNMR化学位移进行了指定,并分析讨论了化合物1~5的结构特征及苯并硫氮七元杂环呈船式构象的特点,各相关质子间的偶合常数也与讨论结果相符 Benzothiazepine is a class of sedative synthetic drugs that have some effect on diseases such as psychosis, heart disease and high blood pressure. In order to further explore the relationship between its structure and pharmacodynamics, benzothiazepine 1 and its cycloaddition products 2-5 were studied by 2D NMR techniques such as 1H1HCOSY, 13C1HCOSY and NOESY. The 1H, 13CNMR chemistry The structures of compounds 1 ~ 5 and the characteristics of ship-like conformations of 7-membered heterocycle of benzothiazepine were analyzed and discussed. The coupling constants of all the related protons were also consistent with the results of the discussion
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