
来源 :中学数学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jin226330
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向量集数与形于一身,沟通了代数、几何与三角函数之间的关系,即有代数的抽象性又有几何的直观性,用它研究问题时可以实现形象思维与抽象思维的有机结合,因而是研究几何的一个有效工具.基于向量的重要作用,以及向量题型灵活多变,因此近两年高考题对向量有所侧重,多个省份在选择或是填空题的最后一题考查向量,说明向量问题的解法值得深思.本文旨在通过近两年高考中的向量题探究向量问题的 Vector set number and shape in one, the communication between the algebra, geometry and trigonometric functions, that is, the algebraic abstract and geometric intuition, use it to study the problem can be achieved when the image of thinking and abstract thinking of the organic combination, So it is an effective tool to study the geometry.Based on the important role of the vector and the flexibility of the vector type, the college entrance examination in the past two years focused on the vector, multiple provinces in the choice or fill in the blank question the last question test vector , Indicating that the solution to the vector problem is worth pondering.This paper aims to explore the vector problem through the college entrance examination in the past two years
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