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作为2012年中国羽毛球队创造世界羽坛前无古人的奥运会金牌包揽奇迹的见证者和参与者,红双喜公司在自豪的同时也倍感压力。在高速发展的体育行业,原地踏步就是急速退步。在新年伊始之际,红双喜公司为广大羽毛球爱好者准备了炫灵科技大餐,让更多的人一起体验红双喜体育科技带来的新奇的运动享受。水洗、减震——炫灵科技红双喜“炫灵”系列羽拍的诞生灵感来源于彩虹的炫丽多彩,灵光四溢。“炫灵”系列羽拍在涂装的设计上,以雨后彩虹 As a witness and participant of the Chinese badminton team that made the world’s badminton Olympic gold medal won the miracle in 2012, Double Happiness is feeling the same pressure and pride. In the fast-growing sports industry, standing still is rapidly deteriorating. At the beginning of the new year, Double Happiness Company prepared the Xuanling science and technology feast for the majority of badminton enthusiasts to let more people experience the novel sports enjoyment brought by Double Happiness Sports Science and Technology. Washed, shock absorption - Hyun Ling Science and Technology Double Happiness “Hyun Ling ” series Yu Pai was born inspired by the dazzling and colorful rainbow, Emmanuel overflowing. “Hyun Ling ” series feather pat on the design of the painting, rain after the rainbow
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