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从产品的市场生命周期发展历程来看,技术创新可以分为产品创新、工艺创新以及经营创新等三个阶段。一般而言,产品面的重大创新主要发生在市场生命周期的初期,工艺创新则发生在市场中期﹐而在中期以后,因产品与工艺都已大致定型﹐顾客需求明确且市场也趋近成熟﹐因此创新的方向转向成本、质量、通路、顾客服务等经营管理面的议题,当然也包括如何将传统经营模式与产品能一并创新转型,促进产业升级、提升企业的竞争力。伴随经济高度发展的不仅只有促进物质生活,以“人文价值”作为生活的方向,既重视物质文明的发展,又强调精神文明的重要,两个文明平衡发展,颠覆性创新的营销策略能让商品长久的成功且持久畅销,且人情味与商品价值相辅相成,如“奉凤梨酥与热茶”颠覆传统的“试吃”营销模式,在消费者心中建立知名度、偏好度、理解度,最后顺势引导产生无任何强迫催促性的自主性购买行为。 From the product development process of the market life cycle point of view, technological innovation can be divided into product innovation, process innovation and business innovation in three stages. In general, the major innovations in the product side occurred mainly in the early stage of the market life cycle. Process innovation took place in the middle of the market. However, in the medium-term, due to the roughly stereotyped products and processes, the clear customer demand and the approaching maturity of the market, Therefore, the direction of innovation is shifted to the management and management issues of cost, quality, access and customer service. Of course, this also includes how to innovate and transform the traditional business model and products to promote industrial upgrading and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Accompanying economic development is not only the promotion of material life, but also the “humanistic value” as the direction of life. It not only emphasizes the development of material civilization but also emphasizes the importance of spiritual civilization. The two civilizations can develop balancedly and disruptively innovate marketing strategies. Let the long-term success of the product and long-lasting best-selling, and the human touch and product value complement each other, such as “Feng pineapple cakes and hot tea ” subvert the traditional “try to eat ” marketing model, establish awareness, preference, understanding Degrees, the last homeopathy to lead without any forced urgency of the purchase behavior.
从自然感染发病的美洲鲥肝脏、肾脏和肠道中分离出1株细菌,经革兰染色镜检及PCR鉴定,确定为维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii)。用该菌株接种健康美洲鲥,鉴定其致病力,从人工感
【正】 王绍曾先生,江苏江阴人,1910年生,现为山东大学古籍整理研究所教授、古文献学专业硕士研究生导师。1930年毕业于无锡国学专修学校,以优异成绩见知于唐文治、钱基博两