
来源 :西北美术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TIANYAGUKEXING
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操作要点 1将净水盛入备好的10个透明塑料袋,每只袋内放进两条活鱼。 2用木条紧贴袋口,往下连裹两圈,使氧气不能进入塑料袋,让鱼在封闭的袋内窒息死亡。 注① 将10个袋分成两组钉在墙上,让人在视觉感受中接受另一空间的死亡信息(人为的)。而出乎意料的是,在场者普遍赞曰:没想到普普通通的鱼这般一弄,还很美啊! 注② 原估计设定,鱼儿在缺氧的封闭空间六小时内将全部窒息死亡。不料,再过了四小时鱼儿才逐渐死亡。这使六小时后还在场者无不感叹:残忍! Operating Points 1 Put the purified water in the prepared 10 transparent plastic bags, put two live fish in each bag. 2 Use sticks to stick to the mouth of the bag and wrap it down for two turns so that oxygen can not enter the plastic bag and cause the fish to suffocate in a closed bag. Note ① Divided 10 pouches into two groups and nailed to the wall, allowing people to accept the death message (artificial) in another space in the visual sense. And unexpectedly, the presence of those who generally praise said: did not expect such an ordinary fish get, it is beautiful! Note ② The original estimate set, the fish in the closed space of oxygen will all suffocate within six hours of death. Unexpectedly, it took another four hours before the fish gradually died. This makes six hours after the presence of all sigh: cruel!
一、湖北省保险市场发展环境概况  湖北省总面积为 1 8.59万平方公里 ,位于长江中游 ,有着临江通海、承东联西、南北交流的地理特点 ,经济比较发达 ,是金融、保险和对外经
目的 探讨加巴喷丁(GAB)联合局部注射利多卡因(Lid)对带状疱疹后神经痛(PHN)患者不良情绪及生活质量的改善情况.方法 选取沈阳七三九医院2018年2月-2020年2月收治的PHN患者82
目的 观察痔疮术后患者祛痔汤坐浴的疗效.方法 选取2018年1月-2019年3月福鼎市中医院收治的痔疮患者76例,采取随机数字表法分为坐浴组和常规组,每组38例.2组均行痔疮手术,术