
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jfskldafkld
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近年来,随着我国教学改革的不断推进,我国的教学者在实际的教学过程中逐渐摆脱传统的教学模式以及理念,促进了情感教学的开展。事实上,情感教学的开展有助于促进学生学习兴趣的培养,推动教学目标的完成。中学生是祖国的未来和民族的希望,作为我国现代化的后备军,不仅要有先进的科学知识素养,而且应有健全的人格和健康的体魄。本文基于此,在应试教育指挥棒下,分析探讨在教学过程中,教师如何推动情感价值观教育的落实。.分析情感教育缺失的原因,提出了加强中学生情感教育的有效途径和方法. In recent years, with the continuous advancement of the teaching reform in our country, the teaching staff in our country gradually get rid of the traditional teaching mode and concept in the actual teaching process and promote the development of emotional teaching. In fact, the development of emotional teaching helps to foster students’ interest in learning and promotes the completion of teaching goals. Middle school students are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. As the reserve army for modernization in our country, not only advanced science knowledge accomplishments but also sound personality and healthy physique are required. Based on this, under the guidance of exam-oriented education, this paper analyzes and discusses how teachers can promote the implementation of the education of emotional values ​​in the teaching process. Analyzes the reason of the lack of emotional education and puts forward the effective ways and methods of strengthening emotional education of middle school students.
<正> 改革二十余年来,我国小城镇获得长足进展,建制镇的数量由1979年的2361个发展为1997年的16535个。小城镇在农村领域的迅速崛起,不仅促进农村政治、经济等面貌的改观,更为
A new hybrid polyoxometalate-based complex, [CuI(phen)2]4(SiW12O40) (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline), has been synthesized by hydrothermal method and characterized
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