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3月10日,由联合国安理会五个常任理事国、伊朗、叙利亚以及伊拉克周边国家代表参加的“伊拉克地区安全会议”在巴格这召开。会议引起了全球关注,一方面因为伊拉克问题事关国际安全大局,另一方面则是美国和伊朗在多年交恶后同台出场。会上,两国代表仅限于言辞上的激烈交锋,但接触本身已说明美伊双方有进一步对话的愿望。对美国而言,同伊朗接触是积极争取伊拉克局势好转的努力之一。而伊朗也希望借此改善多年来与美敌视、近年来更因核计划而遭受国际社会制裁的被动局面。然而,美伊关系既有1979年伊朗人质危机之旧恨,又有近年伊拉克问题和核问题等新仇,各种矛盾交织,双方的解冻之旅恐怕不会一帆风顺。中东问题牵动全球神经,美国与伊朗的关系发展值得密切关注。 On March 10th, the “Iraqi Regional Security Conference” attended by representatives from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Iran, Syria, and neighboring Iraqi countries was held in Baghdad. The conference has aroused global concern. On the one hand, the Iraqi issue is related to the overall situation of international security. On the other hand, the United States and Iran have played on the same platform after years of fighting against each other. At the meeting, the representatives of the two countries were limited to fierce clashes in rhetoric, but the contacts themselves have indicated the desire of the United States and Iraq to have further dialogue. For the United States, contact with Iran is one of the efforts to strive for an improvement in the situation in Iraq. Iran also hopes to use this to improve the passive situation in which it has been hostile to the United States for many years and in recent years has been subjected to international social sanctions because of its nuclear program. However, the U.S.-Iran relations have both the old hatred of the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, and new hatreds such as the Iraq issue and the nuclear issue in recent years. All kinds of contradictions are intertwined. I am afraid that the trip on both sides will not be easy. The Middle East issue affects the global nerves. The development of relations between the United States and Iran deserves close attention.
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