
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mlj1234567890
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爱国主义教育是一项基础性工程,只有精心组织,齐抓共管,才能形成综合效应。为此,一要在工作规划上统筹,确立长远规划和阶段性目标体系。我们在反复讨论的基础上,制定下发了《爱国主义教育三年规划》,确定了系统教育加系列活动的基本思路,提出了分局爱国主义教育三年总体目标和各年度目标。二要统筹协调各方力量,形成合力。我们在实施过程中,注意统筹协调工会、共青团、宣传、组织、政法等各有关部门力量,围绕实施分局三年教育规划,分解制定各自的目标,分清责任,明确任务,较好地形成了一个纵向贯通、横向相连的长远目标体系,为开展爱国主义教育提供了可靠的组织保证。 Patriotism education is a basic project. Only through careful organization and concerted efforts can comprehensive effects be formed. To this end, we must first make overall plans in the work plan and establish a long-term planning and phased target system. On the basis of repeated discussions, we formulated and issued the “Three-Year Plan for Patriotism Education”, defined the basic ideas for systematic education plus series of activities, and proposed the three-year overall goal and each annual goal of patriotism education in our branch. Second, we must make overall efforts to coordinate the efforts of all parties to form a joint force. In the process of implementation, we should pay attention to coordinating and coordinating the efforts of trade unions, the Communist Youth League, propaganda, organization, political and legal departments and other relevant departments to set their own goals, clarify their responsibilities and define their tasks around the implementation of the three-year education plan of the branch offices and well formed one The long-term goal system of vertical and horizontal links provides a reliable organizational guarantee for patriotism education.
125(99m) ̄Tc-HSA的回顾:新的标记方法〔英〕/Subra-manianG…JNuclMed.-1993,34(5).-97p99mTc标记的红细胞适用于多门电路控制采集测定法,然而,人们希望使用一种不需采血可直接注射用的制剂。过去使用的9... Review of 125 (99m) ~Tc-HSA: A
EffectofradiationonTCR,CD_3,CD_(18),andCD_(25)expressionofhumanTcellsMinRui(闵锐);ChengTianmin(程天民);LuoChengji(罗成基);ChenQi(陈杞);D?.. Effect of radiation onTCR, CD_3, CD_ (18), and CD_ (25) expressionofhumanTcellsMinRui (Min Rui); ChengTianmin (Cheng Tianmin