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问:我每次小便,都能看到水面上有些小泡泡,早上刚起来时泡泡会更多,但很快就消失了。听说蛋白尿会造成这种情况,我是不是有蛋白尿?答:正常人小便时会出现少量泡泡,原因是正常尿液也含有很少量的蛋白成分。特别是饮水较少,或早上刚起来时,尿中这些蛋白成分的浓度会更高,小便时更易产生泡泡。而且,这种泡泡存在的时间通常比较短,很快便会消失。 Q: Every time I urinate, I can see some small bubbles on the surface of the water. When I get up in the morning, the bubbles will be more, but soon disappear. I heard that proteinuria will cause this situation, I am not having proteinuria? A: A small amount of bubbles will appear when normal urine, because normal urine also contains a small amount of protein composition. In particular, less water, or just getting up in the morning, the concentration of these protein components in urine will be higher, more prone to bubble when urinating. Moreover, this bubble usually exists for a short time and disappears quickly.
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