腭裂是颌面部最常见的先天畸型之一,其发病率约为1/1000左右。腭裂不但给患儿带来发音不清楚和进食时食物及水可从鼻腔倒流的功能障碍,而且给患儿及其家长精神上增加负担,所以在条件具备下应尽早进行修补术。现将我院1969~1979年收治的127例腭裂修补术报告如下。一般资料及分析: 127例中,男81例,女46例。手术时年令:<5岁19例;5—6岁34例;6—7岁19例;7—8岁9例;8—9岁13例;9—10岁17例;>10岁16例。年令最大者22岁,最小者4岁,7岁以前手术者共72例占56.7%。裂隙畸型的分类颇多,根据我们临床所见可分为以下三大类: 一、单侧唇裂伴腭裂72例,其中完全
Cleft palate is one of the most common congenital malformations in maxillofacial region, and its incidence is about 1/1000. Cleft lip and palate not only bring unclear articulation and eating food and water from the nasal reflux dysfunction, but also to children and their parents to increase the mental burden, so under the conditions should be repaired as soon as possible. Now in our hospital from 1969 to 1979 admitted 127 cases of cleft palate repair reported as follows. General information and analysis: 127 cases, 81 males and 46 females. Surgery when the order: <5 years in 19 cases; 5-6 years in 34 cases; 6-7 years in 19 cases; 7-8 years in 9 cases; 8-9 years in 13 cases; 9-10 years in 17 cases;> 10 years 16 example. The oldest is 22 years old, the youngest is 4 years old, and 72 cases accounted for 56.7% of the surgeons before they were 7 years old. According to our clinical findings can be divided into the following three categories: First, unilateral cleft lip with cleft palate in 72 cases, which completely