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私营企业的崛起决不是一帆风顺的,在坎坷的道路上她面临着千难万险,现列举几个主要方面: 一、资金借贷难 不借贷、完全靠自有资金创业的私营企业可以说是凤毛麟角。但是金融部门很少给私营企业贷款,有些地方的银行规定私营企业不能互相担保,必须由有实力的国营集体企业担保。国营集体企业谁吃饱了撑的,来给私营企业担保?由于缺少资金,极大地阻碍了私营企业的发展,甚至使企业陷入困境。 二、产品推销难 由于市场竞争激烈,私营企业推销产品难度大,业务单位对私营企业提出的条件往往要比国营集体企业苛刻。一着不慎,容易断了后路,被人挖走业务。 三、企业创利难 原材料、能源、生产费用不断上升,产品价格能跌难涨,企业创利难。许多企业只能保本销售。不少企业停停歇歇,徘徊不前。 四、货款回收难 The rise of the private enterprise is by no means smooth sailing. She is facing many difficulties and difficulties on the bumpy road. Now she lists several major aspects: First, private enterprises that rely on loans to borrow money and rely on their own funds to start a business are arguably rare. . However, the financial sector rarely gives loans to private companies. Some local banks require that private companies cannot guarantee each other and must be guaranteed by powerful state-owned collective enterprises. If the state-owned collective enterprises have enough support to guarantee the private enterprises, the lack of funds has greatly hindered the development of private enterprises and even paralyzed enterprises. II. Difficulties in product promotion Due to fierce market competition, it is difficult for private companies to sell their products. The conditions that business units put forward for private companies are often harsher than state-owned collective enterprises. Inadvertently, it was easy to break the back road and was dug out of business. Third, it is difficult for enterprises to create profitable raw materials, energy, production costs continue to rise, product prices can fall or rise, companies make profits difficult. Many companies can only maintain sales. Many companies stopped and stopped. Fourth, the difficulty of recovery
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孩子那么小,也会有胃病吗?回答是肯定的。他的胃需要好好养,如果喂养不当,伤害了孩子的胃,那损失可就大了。我们还是从宝宝胃的发育特点说起,一步步告诉你怎么去保护他的胃不受伤吧。  胃 ,在一点点长大  ● 容量在长 孩子刚出生时,胃容量约为 3 0 ~ 6 0毫升,1~3个月时增加到9 0~15 0 毫升,到了1岁,胃容量已经长到了250~300毫升,5岁时胃容量为700~800毫升,而我们成人的胃
As the saying goes, hobby is the best teacher. A hobby is a favouritepastime of a person. My hobby has been a part of my life; it is popmusic.From a child to a
【摘要】唐纳德·马格里斯是美国当代著名的剧作家。他的代表作《与友晚宴》于2000年获得普利策戏剧奖。本篇论文致力于引入这部剧本,分析剧本中四位主要人物,让读者对此剧本有更新更深入的认识,实现国内对唐纳德·马格里斯作品研究的零的突破。  【关键词】与友晚宴 婚姻 选择  一、引言  唐纳德·马格里斯(1954-),美国新生代著名剧作家,耶鲁大学英语和戏剧研究中心教授。近年来随着作品在美国屡获大奖,唐