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22年前,由7个农民创办起来的森达,今天发展成为拥有近万人的“农民兵团”。靠这个“农民兵团”,森达鞋相继被权威部门评为中国名牌产品、中国第一鞋王、中国鞋业巨头;靠这个“农民兵团”,森达鞋又囊括消费者心目中的理想品牌、实际购买品牌、购物首选品牌三项第一名;靠这个“农民兵团”,从上海滩走麦城到驰名全中国,进而从借船出海到向制鞋王国意大利输出品牌。形势一年比一年好,今年上半年,销售产值、利税比去年同期增长53%和45.5%。“农民兵团”的积极性何以进发出来?集团员工有口皆碑:群雁起飞靠“领头”——集团董事长朱相桂。 Senda, founded by seven peasants 22 years ago, today developed into a “farmer corps” with nearly 10,000 people. By this “peasant Corps”, Senda shoes have been rated as the authority of China’s brand-name products, China’s first shoe king, the Chinese footwear giant; rely on the “peasant Corps” Senda shoes and consumers in mind the ideal brand , The actual purchase of the brand, the first choice for shopping three brands; rely on this “peasant Corps” from the beach in Shanghai to the well-known throughout China, and then from the sea by boat to the shoe-making Kingdom of Italy export brand. The situation is better year after year. In the first half of this year, sales revenue, profits and taxes increased by 53% and 45.5% over the same period of last year. Why is the enthusiasm of the “Peasant Corps” going? The employees of the group have a good reputation: the group goose takes off and takes the lead. Group Chairman Zhu Xiangui.
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Hyperlipidemia is a well-established risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease(CVD). The recent American College of Cardiology and American Heart Associ
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随着 Collinst 研制的吡啶三氧化铬及 Co-rey 研制的吡啶盐酸盐三氧化铬的出现,铬(Ⅵ)选择性氧化剂已引起广泛注意,其中不少氧化剂可有效地将伯醇和仲醇氧化为相应的羰基化