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白碳黑是橡胶、塑料、造纸、染料、涂料、油墨、农药等工业不可缺少的添加剂。目前全世界生产的白碳黑72%用于橡胶工业,它是优良的橡胶补强剂,能改善胶接性的抗撕裂性,性能明显优于普通碳黑。用于造纸工业,它可提高纸张强度、白度和不透明性。目前我国白碳黑年产量为2.2万t,与国外先进水平相比仍存在较大差距。主要表现在生产规模小、能耗高、生产自动化程度低、产品质量不稳定。为尽快提高生产技术水平,我国已从美国、法国引进年产1~2万t的生产装置,将要建成投产。如全部投产,我国白碳黑的年总生产能力可达6万t以上。由于白碳黑市场紧俏,原料易得,投资较少,经济效益好,近年来年产几百吨甚至更小规模的乡镇企业也在各地竞相上马。国内一些老企业也纷纷改进技术,扩大 White carbon black is an indispensable additive for industries such as rubber, plastics, paper, dyes, coatings, inks, and pesticides. At present, 72% of the white carbon black produced in the world is used in the rubber industry. It is an excellent rubber reinforcing agent that can improve the tear resistance of the adhesive properties and its performance is significantly better than that of ordinary carbon black. Used in paper industry, it can improve paper strength, whiteness and opacity. At present, the annual production of white carbon black in China is 22,000 tons, and there is still a big gap compared with the advanced level in foreign countries. Mainly in the small scale of production, high energy consumption, low degree of production automation, product quality is not stable. In order to raise the level of production technology as soon as possible, China has introduced production facilities with an annual production capacity of 1 to 20,000 tons from the United States and France, which will be completed and put into production. If all are put into production, the total annual production capacity of white carbon black in China can reach more than 60,000 tons. As the market for white carbon black is tight, raw materials are easily available, investment is low, and economic benefits are good. In recent years, township and village enterprises with an annual output of several hundred tons or even smaller scales have competed in various regions. Some old domestic companies have also improved their technologies and expanded
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