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三国时期的诸葛亮在其《心书》一文中讲到如何知人时,提出了七条途径:其一,“问之以是非而观其志”,即从其对是非的判断来考察其将来的志向,看看是否胸有大志;其二,“穷之以辞辩而观其变”,即提出尖锐的问题对其法难,看其观点有什么变化,能否随机应变;其三,“略之以计谋而观其识”,即就某方面的问题咨询其看法和对策,看其知识经验如何,具不具备分析问题和解决问题的能力。其四,“告之以祸难而观其勇”,即观察其在困难面前的表现,看其有没有知难而进的勇气和处世不惊的良好心理素质;其五,“醉之以酒而观其性”,即以美酒款待,看其个人品德如何,是否两面三刀,阳奉阴违;其六,“临之以利而观其廉”,即观察其在金钱财富面前的表现,看其是否能经得住物质利益的诱惑,是否能保持良好的心态;其七,“期之以事而观其信”,即托付其办事以视其信用如何,是一诺千金,还是信口开河。诸葛亮的这些观点很有现实意义。我们应该借鉴古人的经验,拓宽知人的思路。 When discussing how to know people, Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms period put forward seven ways: First, “ask the right and the wrong views”, that is to examine its future aspirations from his right and wrong judgments To see if there is ambition; second, “the poor to resign and change their outlook”, that is, put forward sharp questions on their law and order to see what changes in their perspectives, can adapt to change; Third, “a little Seeking Knowledge through Mentality ”, that is, consulting on its views and countermeasures on some aspects of problems, looking at its knowledge and experience, and lacking the ability to analyze and solve problems. Fourth, “to tell the bravery of the disaster”, that is, to observe its performance in the face of difficulties, to see whether it has the courage to go through difficulties and good mental qualities alive; Fifth, “drunk to The concept of wine and its nature ”, that is, to treat the wine, to see how their personal character, whether the two sides and three knives, yin and yin; Sixth,“ to benefit from the concept of cheap ”, that is, to observe its performance in money wealth to see whether it Whether it can withstand the temptation of material interests, whether it can maintain a good state of mind; Seventh, “a matter of time and view the letter”, that entrusted to their service as credit, as a promise, or a pretext. Zhuge Liang these views are of great practical significance. We should learn from the experience of the ancients and broaden our thinking.
Wind loads are key considerations in the structural design of large-span structures since wind loads can be more important than earthquake loads, especially for
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结肠癌并发肠梗阻临床常见,由于癌肿病情隐匿,多以急性梗阻就诊,其发生率为7%~29%,易延误诊断及治疗。我院1992年~1999年10月收治36例,就其诊断治疗讨论如下。 Colorectal ca