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虽然自二十世纪三十年代以来,冠心病的问题在西方国家已逐渐显得突出,五十年代以来有许多冠心病的回顾性和前瞻性调查报告。解放初期我国冠心病的问题还不突出,但随着严重危害人民生命和健康的传染病的消灭和控制,以及我国人民生活水平的不断提高,我国人民的平均期望寿命,有了显著的延长。原先在死亡原因中不占重要地位的心血管疾病,目前已跃为重要的死亡原因之一,而冠心病在心血管疾病中也成了一种相对较常见的疾病。为了了解冠心病在我国的患病情况及发病诱因,于1972年开始对上海市三个工厂的职工和郊区一个农村人民公社的两个大队的社员进行了冠心病的调查研究。调查分析方法 对象 为了便于开展工作及随访,选择三个劳保工厂(食品厂、橡胶厂及机床厂各一)以及郊区一个人民公社的两个大队中40岁以上的职工和郊区农村社员普查冠心病的患病情况。个别工厂检查对象为30岁以上者。 Although the problem of coronary heart disease has become prominent in Western countries since the 1930s, there have been many retrospective and prospective investigations of coronary heart disease since the 1950s. The problem of coronary heart disease in China was not prominent during the early days of the liberation, but with the eradication and control of infectious diseases that seriously endanger people’s lives and health, and the continuous improvement of the people’s living standards, the average life expectancy of our people has been significantly extended. Cardiovascular disease, which did not occupy an important position in the cause of death, has now become one of the important causes of death. Coronary heart disease has also become a relatively common disease in cardiovascular diseases. In order to understand the prevalence and causes of coronary heart disease in China, in 1972, the employees of three factories in Shanghai and members of two groups in a rural people’s commune in the suburbs were investigated for coronary heart disease. Investigation and Analysis Methods Subjects In order to facilitate work and follow-up, three workers’ labor insurance factories (one for food factories, rubber factories, and machine tool factories) and one group of people’s communes in the suburbs were selected to survey the coronary heart disease of employees over 40 years of age and rural members of the suburbs. The prevalence of the disease. Individual factory inspections are over 30 years old.
应用紫外分光光度法测定了胃萎康冲剂中原儿茶醛的含量,其回收率为101.7%,变异系数为2.15%。 The content of protocatechuic aldehyde in Weiweikang Granules was determined by UV spe
一、牢固树立数据质量意识,从统计部门自身做起, 锲而不舍,常抓不懈 真实、淮确的统计数据,是搞好统计服务的前提和基础,是统计工作的生命线,这己成为广大干部职工的共识,但认识上并
批准文号制表单位报表内容报表数量及频率填报范围执行期限京统制准字[1999]01号北京市商委 1999年度商委系统主要经济指标年、月报各一张商委系统全部 2000年1月底止京统制准字[1999]13号北京市教委中
以不同剂量兴胰粉灌胃正常及四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠。结果表明,给予正常小鼠兴胰粉4g/kg,血糖显著降低,肝糖原显著增高。 Different doses of pancreatic powder were given to normal
心血管病死亡率有明显的地区差别,这些差别除了从目前已知的膳食和非膳食的危险因素探讨外,环境因素,特别是水质因素对心血管病发生和发展是否有影响,已引起人 There is a