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实践技能培养是实现高等职业教育培养目标的重要途径和手段;突出实践能力培养是办有特色的高职教育的需要。高等职业学校能否办出特色,取决于它是否能够紧密围绕社会发展需要,依托优势学科,拓展专业领域,强化实践环节,培养应用型人才。为此,专业设置要以职业实践分析为基础;培养目标要以职业实践能力为本位;课程设置要以职业实践为核心;教学方法要以培养学生的动手能力为中心;考核要以职业资格的获得为标准。为此,一要制定科学的教学计划和课程体系:二要采用以学生为中心的教学方法;三要强化职业教育师资建设;四要加强校内外实训实习基地建设:五要建立与职业资格相对的教学体系。西南地区高职院校应以《国务院关于大力推进职业教育改革与发展的决定》、《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》、《关于全面提高高等职业教育教学质量的若干意见》为会计电算化专业建设的指针,积极探索专业教学改革的新路。一是完善以职业能力、职业素质培养为核心的课程体系;二是优化课程结构,进行强化专业实践教学的课程整合;三是重视高职高专专业教材建设;四是完善教学管理,确保专业教学的质量;五是改革考试方法,推进教学改革;六是以技能比赛形式促进技能教学;七是改革教学方法,完善教学手段;八是走产学研结合之路。高等职业教育必须面向社会,培养社会所需要的实用技术人才。 Practical skills training is an important way to achieve the goal of higher vocational education and training; highlighting practical ability training is to do with the needs of higher vocational education. The characteristics of higher vocational schools can depend on whether it can closely focus on the needs of social development, relying on the advantages of disciplines, expand professional fields, strengthen practical aspects, training applied talents. To this end, the professional settings should be based on professional practice analysis; training objectives should be based on professional ability; curriculum should be based on professional practice as the core; teaching methods should be focused on training students ability; assessment should be based on professional qualifications Get as standard. To this end, we must formulate a scientific teaching plan and curriculum system: Second, we must adopt student-centered teaching methods; Third, we must strengthen the construction of vocational education teachers; Fourth, we need to strengthen the construction of practical training base inside and outside the school: Five to establish and professional qualifications Relative teaching system. Higher vocational colleges in Southwest China should take “Decision of the State Council on Vigorously Promoting the Reform and Development of Vocational Education”, “Decision of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Vocational Education” and “Opinions on Improving Teaching Quality of Higher Vocational Education” as Accounting The guiding ideology of professional construction, and actively explore new ways of professional teaching reform. First, improve the professional ability, professional quality training as the core of the curriculum system; Second, optimize the course structure, to strengthen professional practice teaching curriculum integration; Third, pay attention to vocational teaching materials; Fourth, improve teaching management, to ensure that professional Teaching quality; five is to reform the examination methods to promote teaching reform; six is ​​to promote skills in the form of skills competitions; seven is to reform teaching methods and improve teaching methods; eight is the combination of production, learning and research. Higher vocational education must face the society and train the practical technical talents needed by the society.
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