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蔡元培(鹤庼、孑民)先生是“学界泰斗”,“现代中国知识界的卓越前驱”。张元济(菊生)先生几以毕生心力将商务印书馆发展成为驰名世界的巨大出版事业。他们两位对于中国的教育与文化,都作出了不可磨灭的贡献。在蔡元培一生中,历时最久交谊最深的,莫过于张元济。他们两人有着“六同”的关系:第一是同庚,他们都出生于清同治六年丁卯,张是九月二十八日出生,蔡是十二月十七日出生。第二是同乡,他们都是浙江省人,蔡原籍绍兴县,张原籍海盐县。第三是乡试同年,他们都是在清光绪十五年己丑考中举人。第四是殿试同年,他们都是在清光绪十八年壬辰考中进士,一同被点为翰林院庶吉士。第五是同事,他们同时在南洋公学任教,蔡任特班总教习,张任译书院院长。第六是一同创办《外交报》,他们共同致力于“定言论之界”,“ Cai Yuanpei (Crane, Lvmin) Mr. “is the academic learned”, “modern Chinese intellectual excellence predecessor.” Zhang Yuanji (Chrysanthemum) Mr. few life-long efforts to the development of the Commercial Press became a world-renowned publishing giant. Both of them made an indelible contribution to China’s education and culture. In Cai Yuanpei’s life, the longest lasting friendship is the deepest, than Zhang Yuanji. Both of them have the relationship of “six parties.” The first is with Geng, both of whom were born in the Qing Dynasty with six years of Ding Mao. Zhang was born on September 28 and Cai was born on December 17. The second is a fellow, they are all from Zhejiang Province, Cai origin Shaoxing County, Zhang original Haiyan. The third is the same year, rural examinations, they are in the fifteen years Guangxu has ugly examinations. The fourth is the temple exam the same year, they are eighteen years Guangxu Renchen test Jinshi, together with the Academy was ordered Shuji Jishi. Fifth, colleagues, they teach at the same time in the Nanyang Public School, Cai Ren special classes in general study, Zhang Ren translation Dean. The sixth is to set up the “Diplomatic Newspaper” together with their commitment to the “constituency of speech” and the "
The present situation of the green electricity in Shanghai is briefly introduced. The author analyzes various advantages in natural environment, market environm
目的探讨中老年神经根型颈椎病患者的运动疗法康复效果。方法 92例中老年神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为观察组和对照组,两组均给予西药治疗和按摩治疗,观察组加用运动疗法。结
目的了解静脉输液患儿家属的护理需求。方法设计问卷调查表,从本院就医人员随机抽取350例静脉输液患儿家属进行相关护理需求调查。结果 99.4%家属认为确保输液安全极为重要;9