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近几年来由于人均土地的减少,粮棉争地矛盾日趋突出。为了解决这一问题,变一年一熟制的春播棉花为一年粮棉两熟制,势在必行,因而夏棉发展很快,1991年新乡市区夏棉播种面积90.8万亩,占棉田面积的69.8%。所以掌握夏棉的生育规律及其栽培技术对提高棉花产量、纤维品质有着重要意义。一、夏棉的生育规律 (一)生长发育快,生育期短。夏棉的主要生育特点是晚、短、快。即播种晚,生长发育快,生育期短。新乡市农科所1989-1990年对予棉五号的生育规律进行了研究:棉株发育规律——播种后5天出 In recent years due to the reduction of land per capita, the conflict between grain and cotton has become increasingly prominent. In order to solve this problem, it is imperative to become a year-old grain-cotton crop in one year. Therefore, summer paddy develops rapidly. In 1991, the total area of ​​summer paddy cotton sown in Xinxiang was 90.8 mu, accounting for 69.8% of the area of ​​cotton fields. Therefore, grasping the law of summer cotton and its cultivation techniques to improve cotton yield, fiber quality is of great significance. First, the law of the summer cotton (A) rapid growth and development, short growth period. Summer cotton’s main reproductive characteristics are late, short, fast. The sowing late, fast growth, short growth period. Xinxiang City Institute of Agricultural 1989-1990 to cotton on the 5th reproductive law were studied: cotton plant development - 5 days after sowing out
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