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在本期的“课例大家评”中 ,我们刊登了同一课题下的 6篇课例供大家点评 .2 0 0 1年第 4期 ,我刊登出了“直线方程的一般形式 (第一课时 )”课例的征稿启事 .截止 4月 3 0日 ,我们收到课例来稿百余篇 .这 6篇课例就是从这些应征稿件中遴选出来的 .为了便于大家点评 ,我们将 6篇课例按学生学习状况的优、中、差分为三组 ,每组有 2篇课例 .在撰写点评稿时 ,您可以对 6篇课例进行总评 ,也可以就学生学习状况相当的两篇课例进行评析 ,还可以对某一课例做单独的评议 .总之 ,点评的内容应相对集中 ,以便于编者对稿件进行选择和组构 .文稿字数以 1 0 0 0字左右为宜 ,截稿日期为 9月 1 0日 .投稿时请在信封左下方注明“课例大家评”字样 .欢迎广大数学教师和教研工作者积极参与本次“课例大家评”活动 ,我们将以较大篇幅集中发表观点新颖、论述深刻、对教学具有较强启发性的优秀来稿 .在此 ,我们还特别对提供“直线方程的一般形式”课例的所有老师表示衷心的感谢 . In this issue of “Classroom Assessments”, we published six lesson examples under the same topic for everyone to comment on. In 2010, the fourth issue, I published the general form of the equation of the line (first class hour )" Call for Papers for Classes. As of April 30th, we received over one hundred manuscripts. These six lesson examples were selected from these manuscripts. In order to facilitate comments, we will have 6 lessons. According to the student’s learning status, there are three groups of excellent, medium, and differential. Each group has 2 lesson cases. When writing a review, you can make an overall assessment of 6 lesson cases, and you can also take two lessons commensurate with the student’s learning situation. Cases can be reviewed and commented on, and individual class comments can also be individually commented. In short, the contents of the comment should be relatively concentrated so that the editors can select and structure the manuscript. The number of manuscripts should be around 1 0 0 words. As of September 10th, when submitting, please write the words “Classification of Classroom Members” on the left bottom of the envelope. Welcome math teachers and teaching and research workers to actively participate in this “Classroom Assessment” event. We will take a lot of space. Concentrate on publishing novel ideas, profound discussion, teaching tools There are highly inspired and excellent contributions. Here, we also express our sincere thanks to all the teachers who provided the “General Form of Linear Equations” lesson.
“以德育为核心 ,以创新精神和实践能力为重点”的素质教育 ,要求教学不仅只是传授知识 ,更重要的是要激发学生的学习主动性 ,培养学生的创造性思维能力 ,使学生成为具有开拓