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广西玉林市玉林镇通过实施“党建带工建,工建促党建”工程,大力加强社区工会建设,取得了良好的效果。目前,全镇共有311个社区新建企业建立了工会组织,会员数达4913人,占应入会职工的90%以上。玉林镇先后被评为全国先进基层党组织、中国乡镇之星、全国最佳乡镇、全国文明乡镇,去年5月玉林镇被玉林市确定为市级乡镇工会工作示范镇。一、大胆探索抓组建 1、统一认识,加强领导,党政工齐抓共管。玉林镇党委、政府充分认识到加强社区工会组织建设是加强党的阶层基础和群众基础的需要,是实践“三个代表”的内在要求,也是确保经济持续健康发展的重要保证。镇党委、政府把加强社区工会工作纳入重要议事日程,定时听取社区工会工作汇报;落实各级领导责任,做到党 Yulin, Yulin, Guangxi, through the implementation of “party building with workers to build, work to build the party” project, vigorously strengthen the building of community trade unions, and achieved good results. At present, a total of 311 new communities in the town have set up trade union organizations with 4,913 members, accounting for more than 90% of the workers to be enrolled. Yulin town has been rated as the advanced grass-roots party organizations in China, China’s township star, the best towns in the country, the national civilized towns and cities, Yulin last May was Yulin City identified as municipal township trade union demonstration town. First, boldly explore and establish 1, unify their understanding, strengthen leadership, and make concerted efforts of Party and government workers. The party committees and governments in Yulin have fully realized that strengthening the construction of trade union organizations in the community is the need to strengthen the party’s stratum and mass foundation and the inherent requirement of practicing the “Three Represents.” It is also an important guarantee for ensuring the sustained and healthy economic development. Town Party committees and governments to strengthen the work of community trade unions included in the agenda, regular reports to listen to the work of community trade union; implementation of leadership responsibilities at all levels, so that the party
在国家林业局森林公安局开展的林业“严打整治”斗争中,甘肃省庆阳市森林公安局结合林区实际情况,于2001年4月至2002年 12月,集中优势警力,先后组织开展了30余次声势浩大的
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土方费用的计算,应根据不同的施工方法逐项分列计算土方量,再匹配相对应的土方单价进行计算,累计之和称之为该绿化种植工程的土方总费用。一般计算方法如下: The calculati