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现在51岁的何富华,出生在定西市安定区称沟乡周家河村一个贫穷的农家。他的少年生活是拌着野菜度过的,但贫穷和艰辛磨练出了他坚韧不拔的品格。1966年,一场政治风暴将他的大学梦吹得七零八散。1967年,他高中毕业,被称为“老三届”的他痛惜地告别校园,回到生他养他的穷窝窝。回乡后,他先后种过田,做过乡邮员,还梦想当一名社请教师……直到十年之后,一个偶然的机会,他走进了信用社的队伍,开始了风尘仆仆的信合人生。从不懂就问、不会就学开始,经过学习和锤炼,何富华已打得一手铁算盘,记得一笔好账。1980年全地区信合系统进行业务大比武,他代表定西县信合参赛,夺得计息第 He Fuhua, now 51, was born in a poor farmhouse in Zhoujiahe Village, Gap Township, Anding District, Dingxi City. His teenage life was spent with wild herbs, but poverty and hardship honed his gritty character. In 1966, a political storm blew out his college dreams. In 1967, he graduated from high school, known as “the third session of the” he pity to bid farewell to the campus, back to his life he raised his poor nest. After returning home, he has planted over the fields, made a township mail, but also dream of being a society to invite teachers ... Until ten years later, by chance, he walked into the ranks of the credit cooperatives, began a busy schedule Confidence in life. Do not understand to ask, will not start school, after learning and temper, He Fuhua has played a hand iron abacus, remember a good account. In 1980, the confidence-building system in the entire region conducted a large-scale competition in business. On behalf of Qinhe County in Dingxi County,
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