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2008年5月12日离我们渐渐远去,但是这一天所发生的事情,现在仍然是我们关心的焦点,而且毫无疑问,它在今后暂定为8年的灾后重建中,仍然会时时左右我们的视线和悲欢。现在不少企业高层还在以接受媒体采访、写博客、与朋友聊天等方式,温习抗震救灾的感人画面,罕见的大灾难,罕见的民族大团结,注定让这段生死时速的日子成为永不褪色的回忆。而对于企业家,企业高层来讲,回忆应该有更多的意义,能够汲取力量、吸收经验教训的意义,以利于接下来的远行。或许企业的捐赠救灾行为是“从感性开始”的,毕竟这么大的灾难,公众这么强的反应,都是第一次碰到。那么,接下来应在反省与总结的基础上,“以理性继续”。无论是本土企业还是跨国公司都需要这种继续。继2008年6月8日国务院公布实施《汶川地震灾后恢复重建条例》,灾区开始了轰轰烈烈的重建工作。作为企业(包括在华跨国公司),通过这次地震,也要开始漫长的“重建”。而认知“重建”是必须首先解决的问题:“重建”对国民精神的认识;“重建”对公众视角的企业角色之理解;“重建”对中国式慈善的洞察;“重建”包括战略慈善在内的战略社会责任意识……当然,还有更多。本期“重建”主要围绕与国民精神.大爱精神有关的企业慈善与社会责任认知重建。 May 12, 2008 Lies farther away from us, but what happened on this day is still the focus of our concern. And there is no doubt that it will still be left behind in the future for a tentative eight-year post-disaster reconstruction Our sight and joys and sorrows. Now many senior executives are still in the media interview, blogging, chatting with friends and other ways to review the moving pictures of earthquake relief, rare catastrophe, rare national unity, destined to make this day of life and death become never Faded memories. For entrepreneurs and businesspeople, memories should have more meaning, be able to learn the power and absorb the significance of the lessons in order to benefit the next journey. Perhaps the business donations disaster relief behavior is “from the perceptual start ”, after all, such a big disaster, the public so strong response, are the first encounter. Then, on the basis of introspection and conclusion, we should continue with rationality. Both domestic and multinational companies need this continuation. Following the June 8, 2008, the State Council promulgated the “Regulations for the Resumption of Reconstruction after the Wenchuan Earthquake,” and the disaster-stricken area started a vigorous reconstruction. As an enterprise (including a multinational corporation in China), a long “reconstruction” will take place through this earthquake. Cognition “Reconstruction ” is the first problem to be solved: “Reconstruction ” understanding of the national spirit; “Reconstruction ” understanding of the corporate role of the public perspective; “Reconstruction Insight; ”rebuild“ strategic sense of social responsibility, including strategic philanthropy ... and of course, there’s more. The current issue of ”Reconstruction" focuses on the reconstruction of corporate philanthropy and social responsibility in relation to the national spirit, the big love spirit.
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自1958年以来,随着对凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌(Cogulasenegative Staphylococci,CNS)致病性的逐渐认识,对其分类学以及耐药性的研究也进一步深人。近10年,CNS已成为医院感染的重要病原菌