扎扎实实搞好整顿 切实转变机关作风——四川省职工社会保险事业管理局整顿作风见实效

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为树立省级机关和社会保险事业管理机构的良好形象,争创一流工作成绩,四川省职工社会保险事业管理局根据省政府第十次全体会议精神,结合全省社会保险工作会议中所反映的问题,从本局实际和社会保险事业发展的需要出发广泛深入地开展了“创四好、争一流”的机关作风整顿,收到明显效果。具体做法是: 一、整顿班子、抓住关键、找准问题为了提高对整顿的认识,统一局班子思想,局里专门安排处以上干部学习和座谈。首先认真学习省政府领导关于加强机关建设的指示,使大家认识到了整顿的必要性、紧迫性和重要意义。全局一致认为整顿机 In order to establish a good image of provincial organs and social insurance institutions and strive for first-class achievements, the Sichuan Provincial Staff and Workers Social Insurance Administration, according to the spirit of the Tenth Plenary Session of the provincial government, and the meeting of the province’s social insurance work Problems, starting from the actual needs of this Council and the needs of the development of social insurance undertakings, we have carried out extensive and in-depth rectification of the work style of the “Four Founding Fighting Stances” and have achieved remarkable results. The specific approach is: First, rectify the team, to seize the key to identify the problem In order to raise awareness of the rectification, the bureau unified bureau of thought, the bureau specifically arranged at the above cadres to learn and discussion. First of all, we should earnestly study the instructions of the provincial government leaders on strengthening organ construction so that everyone will realize the necessity, urgency and significance of rectification. Global consensus that the rectification machine
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