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在初中历史教学中,我们选择了极具地方特色和可操作性强的乡土史,作为提高学生整体素质的载体.下面,以人教版初中教材第二册第18课《高度繁荣的宋元文化——古代科技发展的高峰》为例,谈谈我们的体会.一、教学内容——历史与现实的统一选择这一课来发掘素质教育的丰富内涵,是考虑到该课的两个特点.其一,宋元时期是中国古代科技发展的高峰时期,四大发明中有三项发明完成于这一时期,北宋科学家沈括被称为“中国科技史上最杰出的人物”,这时中国古代建筑发展到成熟阶段.将这些科学业绩,置于10至13世纪的科技水平之中,再与同时代的欧美世界相比,更可以想见中国当时的光辉地位和为人类做出的突出贡献.其二,北京地区蕴藏着丰富的文物资源,文物古迹中载负的信息比文字叙述更鲜明、真实.英国历史学家利浦菲指出:“学生要通过熟悉的、身边的事物进入历史世界.”众多博物馆、文物古迹,能引导学生突破时间、空间的限制来认识历史,帮助他们将具体感知与抽象思维结合起来,激发学生学习历史的热情和兴趣,这恰恰是提高教学质量的关键. In the junior high school history teaching, we have chosen the local history with strong local characteristics and maneuverability as a carrier to improve the overall quality of the students.Next, with the PEP Teaching Materials Volume II, Volume 18, “highly prosperous Song Yuan Culture - the peak of the development of ancient science and technology ”as an example, to talk about our experience. First, the teaching content - the unity of history and reality Select this lesson to explore the rich content of quality education, taking into account the two characteristics of the lesson First, the Song and Yuan dynasties were the peak period for the development of science and technology in ancient China. Three of the four great inventions were completed during this period. In the Northern Song Dynasty, scientist Shen Kuo was called “the most outstanding figure in the history of science and technology in China”, when ancient Chinese architecture To a mature stage, putting these scientific achievements in the scientific and technological level from the 10th to the 13th century and comparing with the contemporary European and American worlds, we can even imagine the splendid status of China at that time and its outstanding contribution to mankind. Second, Beijing is rich in cultural relics resources, cultural relics and historic sites carrying more than the narrative text is more clear and true British historian Lipu Philippine said: “Students through the familiar side Things into the history of the world. ”Many museums, cultural relics and historic sites, can guide students to break through time and space constraints to recognize history, help them to specific feelings and abstract thinking combine to inspire students enthusiasm for learning history and interest, which is to improve teaching The key to quality.
老年人随着年龄的增加,身体的各种器官和组织都发生退行性变化,胃是身体里的重要消化器官,当然也不例外。胃的肌肉和黏膜逐渐萎缩,消化功能和抗病能力日趋降低, The elderly
(一) 川沙县是上海近郊经济比较发达的一个地区,已列入长江三角洲经济开放区之一。开放以后,除了积极发展乡镇工业外,还要切实调整农业生产结构,以国际市场为目标,逐步建成