
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxyzx
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Aims: We aimed to investigate the prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillat ion(AF) in a large European population-based study. Methods and results: The st udy is part of the Rotterdam study, a population-based prospective cohort study among subjects aged 55 years and above. The prevalence at baseline was assessed in 6808 participants. Incidence of AF was investigated during a mean follow-up period of 6.9 years in 6432 persons. We identified 376 prevalent and 437 incide nt cases. Overall prevalence was 5.5%, rising from 0.7%in the age group 55-59 years to 17.8%in those aged 85 years and above. The overall incidence rate was 9.9/1000 person-years. The incidence rate in the age group 55-59 years was 1. 1/1000 person-years, rose to 20.7/1000 person-years in the age group 80-84 ye ars and stabilized in those aged 85 years and above. Prevalence and incidence we re higher in men than in women. The lifetime risk to develop AF at the age of 55 years was 23.8%in men and 22.2%in women. Conclusion: In this prospective stud y in a European population, the prevalence and incidence of AF increased with ag e and were higher in men than in women. The high lifetime risk to develop AF was similar to North American epidemiological data. Aims: We aimed to investigate the prevalence and incidence of atrial fibrillary ion (AF) in a large European population-based study. Methods and results: The st udy is part of the Rotterdam study, a population-based prospective cohort study among subjects aged 55 years and above. The prevalence at baseline was assessed in 6808 participants. Incidence of AF was investigated during a mean follow-up period of 6.9 years in 6432 persons. We identified 376 prevalent and 437 incide nt cases. Overall prevalence was 5.5% The incidence rate in the age group 55-59 years was 17.8% in those aged 85 years and above. The overall incidence rate was 9.9 / 1000 person-years. / 1000 person-years, rose to 20.7 / 1000 person-years in the age group 80-84 ye ars and stabilized in those aged 85 years and above. Prevalence and incidence we re higher in men than in women. The lifetime risk to develop AF at the age of 55 years was 23.8% in men and 22.2% in women. Conclu sion: In this prospective stud y in a European population, the prevalence and incidence of AF increased with ag e and were higher in men than in women. The high lifetime risk to develop af was similar to North American epidemiological data.
據BBC报道,英国医生发现有两种药物对于乳腺癌治疗有着明显的效果,这意味着某些女性将不再需要进行化疗。这些药物在257位女性患者的身上进行了测试,主要针对的是十分之一女性乳腺癌患者中的一种特定弱点。  专家声称这一发现可以说是定制癌症疗法的垫脚石。负责这项实验的医生们并未预料到会达到这样惊人的效果。他们过去一直在研究药物在确诊和手术进行期间如何对癌症产生作用。但是当医生们进行手术时,部分病人体内的
事发突然。2008年9月1日,贵州金元集团董事长向德洪被双规,在电力系统上下引发大地震。9月3日,贵州省电力公司向其内部职工发出了要求进行金元集团退股登记的通知。 The inc
该立交是上海市外环线西南隅最大的立交 ,由外环线沪、杭、甬高速公路等四条高等级道路相交的六岔路口。该立交为四层定向组合型 ,桥梁面积 8.4万 m2 ,占地 45.8hm2。该立交