
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdh188
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建立现代企业制度,是国有企业运行体制的重大变革。在现代企业制度下,还要不要企业思想政治工作,思想政治工作是不是有中国特色的现代企业制度的有机组成部分,对于这些问题,人们的认识并不一致。有的同志认为,既然要建立现代企业制度,就要与国际接轨,而西方企业中并没有思想政治工作,因此我们也不需要。有些同志口头上说要思想政治工作,但是在实际工作中并没有摆入日程。有的同志要思想政治工作,但仅仅是 Establishing a modern enterprise system is a major change in the operating system of state-owned enterprises. Under the modern enterprise system, it is not necessary for the enterprise to carry out its ideological and political work. Ideological and political work is not an integral part of the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics. People’s understanding of these issues is not consistent. Some comrades think that since the establishment of a modern enterprise system is going to be in line with the international community, and there is no ideological and political work in western enterprises, we do not need it either. Some comrades make verbal and political ideological work, but they are not put on the agenda in actual work. Some comrades want ideological and political work, but only
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不是什么“——赫猜想”,无需执着的数学家来解答。人们对这个不等式早就有了肯定的认同,我不过是借旧题来抒发点积久而不能不发的感慨罢了。 由国际文化出版公司出版、张健
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本刊1998年第6期发表《楼梯施工缝应留置在何处》一文后,很多读者采信指出该文问、答双方所述均有失误处,现选用其中二文发表。 In the sixth issue of the magazine publis