
来源 :宠物世界(秀迷) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoniaohk
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想知道你重金引进的狗拥有什么头衔,这个头衔到底有什么价值吗?想知道你重金引进的狗是健康公民吗?想知道你重金引进的狗能否繁殖出优秀的后代吗?其实这些关键问题的重要答案,都隐藏在一张名叫血统证的薄纸上。在和狗有关的各种证件中,头等重要的就是它的血统证,其作用类似我们人类的身份证。别小看血统证,虽然只是薄薄的一张纸,局促的方寸之间却大有学问。正规的血统证由权威的犬业协会颁发,世界各地的血统证不尽相同,但大体都会包含以下几类重要信息:狗的名字、头衔、性别、出生地、登录号码、DNA号码、繁殖者、毛色、健康检测结果、遗传病信息、近亲三至五代犬只的资料等。正是因为囊括了一只狗的多种重要信息,所以血统证才能成为了解一只狗的血统、健康情况、繁殖价值的重要依据。鉴于AKC赛制在我国狗迷中已经深入人心,而且越来越多的美国狗也争先恐后地移民到中国来,本文特选取AKC颁发的一张血统证为教材,带领大家一起揭开血统证的神秘面纱。 Would you like to know what kind of title your dog has in the end, what is the value of this title? Would you like to know if you are heavily invested in a healthy citizen? Do you want to know if your heavily bred breed can produce excellent offspring? In fact, Important answers to the questions are hidden in a tissue paper called a blood card. Among the various documents related to dogs, what counts as primary is its bloodline certificate, which acts like our human ID card. Do not underestimate the blood card, although only a thin piece of paper, but cramped confusion between knowledgeable. Regular bloodline certificates are issued by the authority of the Kennel Association, bloodlines around the world are different, but generally include the following types of important information: dog’s name, title, gender, birthplace, registration number, DNA number, breeder , Coat color, health test result, genetic disease information, information of three to five generations of relatives of the cousin and so on. Precisely because it includes a variety of important information about a dog, the blood card can become an important basis for understanding the pedigree, health condition and breeding value of a dog. In view of the fact that the AKC competition system has gained popular support among the dog fans in our country and more and more American dogs are also vying for emigration to China, this article selects a blood certificate issued by AKC as a textbook to lead the mystery veil.
丽莲·海尔曼(Lillian Hellman,1905—1984)不觉已逝世十年。她一生几乎正好十年跨一个阶段。初露头角于30年代,巩固成就于40年代,在50年代名声有些跌落,到60年代又名声大振
如何选择适合自己的水果呢?怎样吃才能更健康更营养呢?听我为你一一道来。 How to choose a suitable fruit? How to eat more healthy and more nutritious? Listen to me
一、节约一个普通的三日之家每月光吃饭就大概要花费七、八百元。那么, 工薪之家到底该如何节约呢?有的家庭是这么做的,不妨参考一下: 1.每个月只购物一次:因为逛得多一定会买