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气体在弯窑的运动与在直窑不同,既要向前,叉要拐弯,为了给焙烧创造有利的条件,必须先从码窑形式入手.①除了注意直窑的码坯要点外,还要做到里密外稀,内边横坯靠内壁,边坯垛与外壁留空;②在入弯和出弯的直眼排拉缝,留一横向通道,调节与融通窑温和火度;③内边和内中的立坯改为卧坯(低人道),外中和外边火道加高,直坯向外斜,增加内坯垛的阻力,减小外坯垛的阻力,保持阻力平衡,让外火快步走,内火慢步行,使火锋在弯窑扇形面上齐头并进.弯窑内火行程短,外火行程长,外火是内火行程的3.14倍,焙烧时必须加烧外人,蹲住内火,力争火锋齐,火候稳,关键在于用好风闸.“出弯烧得好,半边窑好烧.”一把火的轮窑,通常每隔两天要烧一次弯,而且弯窑容量大、产量高,弯窑烧的好坏直接影响经济效益好坏.在烧弯窑时,有人主张使用桥式风闸群,认为弯 The movement of gas in the bend kiln is different from that in the straight kiln. It is necessary to move forward and the forks are to be turned. In order to create favorable conditions for roasting, it is necessary to start with the code kiln. 1 In addition to paying attention to the code points of the straight kiln, In order to achieve dense inside and outside the thin, the inner side of the blank by the inner wall, the blank billet and the outer wall left blank; 2 in the bend and out of the straight eye row seams, leaving a lateral channel, adjust and melt the kiln mild warmth; 3 The inside and the inside of the standing billet are changed to blank billet (low humanity), the outer middle and outer fire lanes are raised, the straight billets are outwardly inclined, the resistance of the inner billet is increased, the resistance of the outer billet is reduced, and the resistance balance is maintained , Let the fire go quickly, the fire slowly walks, so that the fire front in the kiln fan-shaped surface to go hand in hand. In the kiln fire stroke is short, the external fire stroke is long, the external fire is 3.14 times the internal fire travel, must be added when baking Burning outsiders, grabbing the inner fire, and fighting for the fire front and keeping the fire steady, the key is to make good use of the damper. “After a good burn out, the half kiln will burn well.” A fire wheel kiln is usually burned every two days. A bend, and the capacity of the rotary kiln is large, the output is high, and the quality of the kiln burned directly affects the economic efficiency. When firing the kiln, it was suggested that the bridge damper group be used.
论述保温夹芯砌块的原材料及其配合比、工艺流程、产品规格及性能,并对夹芯保温砌块在节能住宅中应用的效果进行了分析. This paper discusses the raw materials, mix rati
<正> 用废渣、粉煤灰、石膏、珍珠岩和防水材料复合生产的防水保温砌块,主要原材料属轻质保温材料,砌块的体积密度小,导热系数低,具有突出的保温隔热、隔音性能。由于粉煤灰