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中国工程院院士柯伟是我国著名的金属腐蚀与防护专家,主要从事高温合金的蠕变、疲劳及腐蚀疲劳等材料失效与保护等方面的研究,在该领域辛勤耕耘数十个春秋,曾获国家和部级以上奖励20余项,包括国家科技进步奖、全国科学大会奖、中科院自然科学奖等;2005年获第16届世界腐蚀大会Edward Greco奖,2006年获何梁何利科学技术进步奖,2015年获中国腐蚀与防护最高学科建设成就奖;发表专著多部、学术论文200余篇。他还多次担任重要国际科技合作的中方负责人,是我国高温疲劳和腐蚀疲劳领域的开拓者之一。近年来,致力于耐久性高性能钢在我国桥梁等工程建设领域的推广和应用。其研发的系列成果为我国国民经济建设和国防建设作出了突出贡献。为使广大读者深入了解柯伟院士在科研、育人及家庭等方面的事迹和贡献,本刊总编本期对柯院士进行了专访。 Ke Wei, a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is a well-known expert on metal corrosion and protection in China. He is mainly engaged in research on the failure and protection of materials such as creep, fatigue and corrosion fatigue of high temperature alloys. He has worked hard in this field for dozens of years and won the honorary title of " And more than 20 ministerial-level awards, including the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the National Science Conference Award, CAS Natural Science Award; 2005 by the 16th Corrosion of the World Edward Greco Award, 2006 by He Liang He Li Science and Technology Progress Award, 2015 He was awarded the Achievement Award of the highest discipline of corrosion and protection in China. He published more than 200 monographs and over 200 academic papers. He has also served as the head of the Chinese side for important international scientific and technological cooperation many times and is one of pioneers in the field of high temperature fatigue and corrosion fatigue in China. In recent years, committed to the durability of high-performance steel bridges and other construction projects in China in the field of promotion and application. The series of achievements in research and development have made outstanding contributions to the construction of national economy and national defense in our country. In order to make readers understand Kewei’s deeds and contributions in scientific research, educating people and family deeply, our chief editor conducted an interview with Professor Ke in this issue.
目的 观察前臂背侧微型骨皮瓣游离移植修复手指指骨及皮肤软组织缺损的临床效果.方法以Lister结节与肱骨外上髁连线为轴线,在前臂远端桡背侧设计皮瓣,Lister结节近端3.5 cm处为皮支入皮点.依据受区皮肤软组织缺损的大小设计皮瓣.首先切开皮瓣的尺侧缘,找到拇短伸肌与拇长伸肌间隙,可见到自骨间前动脉背侧支发出的骨皮支,确认皮支入皮后切开皮瓣的其他缘,将皮瓣切取后,再切取骨瓣.显露桡骨远端背侧面,
2016年4月21日,挂靠机械总院中机生产力促进中心的全国增材制造标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC 562)成立大会在京胜利召开.质检总局党组成员、国家标准化管理委员会田世宏主任、工