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课程导入,是指教师在课程开始之初,通过某些教学方法和手段建立课堂气氛,同时引出或衔接本次课程的主体内容的过程。传统的课程导入方式,虽然能达到开启主体教学内容的目的,但经常存在导入方式过于刻板和程式化,难以调动起课堂气氛,从而造成后续教学开展困难的情况。一、游戏导入,营造活泼氛围俗话说,好的开始是成功的一半,教学亦是如此。在课程开始之初,营造出一个活泼的课堂氛围,抓住学生的注意力,让学生轻松地接受课堂,跟随教师,对提高后续的课堂效率至关重要。为了达到这个目的,我们需要选择轻松的方式进行课程导入,让整个课堂的气氛轻松快乐,以便比较容易地使学生们从心理上享受课堂、 Course introduction refers to the teacher at the beginning of the course, through some teaching methods and means to establish a classroom atmosphere, at the same time lead or convergence of the course content of the main course. Although the traditional method of course introduction can achieve the purpose of opening the main teaching contents, the introduction method is often too rigid and stylized, which makes it difficult to mobilize the classroom atmosphere, thus causing difficulties in subsequent teaching. First, the game into, creating a lively atmosphere As the saying goes, a good start is half the success, teaching is also true. At the beginning of the course, creating a lively classroom atmosphere, grasping students’ attention and allowing students to easily take classes and follow teachers is crucial for improving the efficiency of subsequent classes. In order to achieve this goal, we need to choose the easy way to import the course so as to make the atmosphere of the whole class relaxed and happy, so as to make it easier for students to psychologically enjoy the classroom,
安置好灾民是抗震救灾进入恢复重建阶段后最紧迫的任务。其中,最突出的就是要全力解决灾民住的问题。民政部5 Placing disaster victims is the most pressing task after e
研究了含铜Mn系铁氧体的阻温特性,目的是用廉价的铁氧体取代价格昂贵的、传统的Mn Ni Co氧化物、负温度系数热敏电阻。通过Cu~(2+)离子取代Fe~(2+)离子或Mn~(2+)离子,及改变
绪言: 毛竹(Phyllostac Hys edulis)是我国最主要经济竹种之一。生长迅速,材质优良,在建筑工业上可代替某些结构中的钢筋和木料。竹材纤维是造纸,人造丝等工业的重要原料。
Crystal 公司已研制出家用 x 及 x 射线探测器,其能量范围从4keV 到1MeV。CXM 系列探测器是基于 CsJ:T 闪烁晶体与 Si-Pin 光电二极管的结合产物,以电流模式工作。前置放大
本文从美学的角度分析篮球教学训练,揭示其中中存在的美学因素,进而研究以美学的观点促进篮球教学与训练的方法理论,促进篮球教学训练效能的发展。 This article analyzes b