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人老本属客观,可出发点不同,经历不同,处事立场不同,就不免染上主观的色素。有的老了生发哀叹,如“高堂明镜悲白发”的李白;有的人到老依然情怀不泯,如南宋诗人陆游;也有的倚老卖老,私心膨胀,擅权枉法,如明朝弄臣严嵩。陆游写“家祭无忘告乃翁”时,已85岁高龄,属于名副其实的“翁”级。一生拥有报国情怀的他,生在南宋这样一个风雨飘摇的朝代,作为一介书生,命运免不了镀染些许悲壮的色彩。不能潜心读书治学,不能专心于治国富民,却要一心抗金卫国,加之中年 Since the old man is objective and may have different starting points, different experiences and different positions of work, they are inevitably infected with subjective pigments. Some old students lament, such as “Gaobei tragedy ” Li Bai; some people still feel unhappy to the old, such as the Southern Song Dynasty poet Lu You; some rely on the old to sell the old, selfish inflated, wary of law, such as the Ming Dynasty Jester Yan Song. Written by Lu You “home offering unforgettable is Weng ”, 85-year-old age, belong to the veritable “Weng ” level. His life with his feelings of the country, was born in the Southern Song Dynasty such a precarious dynasty, as a scholar, his life will inevitably betray some tragic colors. Can not devote themselves to reading and studying, can not concentrate on governing the country and enriching the people, but must be bent on the Golden State, combined with middle age
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【理直气壮地封闭自己】  吴敏成长于单亲家庭。从小她就觉得母亲不喜欢自己,因为她长得像父亲。初二的时候,当妈妈告诉她离婚的消息,吴敏竟然长舒了一口气,仿佛心里一块大石头终于落了地。  吴敏开始理直气壮地封闭自己,不跟任何同学来往。  高三的时候,吴敏学习好与性格怪同样突出。上大学以后,学业没那么重了,吴敏慢慢结交了一两个朋友,但基本上也是别人容忍她。“吴敏,我觉得你对世界应该有一点善意。”好朋友小
夏天来临时,我便着手准备去“三大革命斗争第一线”。先到刘家峡水电站工地,顺便去了炳灵寺石窟。不久,我带了一大堆东西上了火车,从各种画具到许多西红柿。  一觉醒来,火车正沉重地喘着粗气,窗外是天祝藏族自治县境内的乌鞘岭草坡。远处是马牙雪山裸露的岩石,这是我非常熟悉的地方。同车张掖文工团的同志听说我一个人要去祁连山,认真地劝我改变主意。原先约定的一位张掖画家,孩子在水库工地劳动时烧伤致死,他不能和我同
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