第六届中国国际花卉园艺展览会在参展商和观众(特别是专业观众)的阵阵欢笑声之中胜利闭幕了。 纵观本届国际花卉园艺展览会,一个最大的特点是:商业气氛比哪届都浓。参展商和观众(特别是专业观众)都从展会上获得了比较好的收益。有事实为证:一是这届展会来的专业观众特别多。不仅国内的观众多,国外来的专业观众也不少。日本在14日专程来了一个参观团,共40多人。国外专程来参观的观众来自欧洲一些国家和美国、日本、韩国等十几个国家。专业观众之多居历届展会之首。观众不仅数量多,而且素质很高。比如,这次5号馆是个老馆,并且位置比较偏,组委会曾担心观众不到5号馆参观。可事实出乎人们的预料,这
The 6th China International Flower Horticultural Exhibition ended successfully with the laughter of exhibitors and visitors (especially professional visitors). Throughout this International Flower and Gardening Exhibition, one of the biggest features is: more business atmosphere than any session. Exhibitors and visitors (especially professional visitors) have gained relatively good returns from the show. There are facts as evidence: First, this session of the exhibition to a particularly large number of professional visitors. Not only domestic audience and foreign professional visitors are also many. Japan made a special trip to visit a total of 40 people on the 14th. The audience from abroad made a special trip to come from some European countries and the United States, Japan, South Korea and a dozen other countries. The number of professional visitors living in the first show. Not only the number of viewers, but also high quality. For example, this Hall 5 is an old hall, and the location is relatively partial, the organizing committee had worried that the audience did not visit Hall 5. Can be contrary to people’s expectations, this