一、病例摘要患者28岁,因“妊娠38周,B超提示妊娠合并右侧腹腔囊性包块1 d”于2012年10月25日收入重庆市第九人民医院。患者末次月经2012年2月1日,停经1+个月,到当地医院检查,尿HCG阳性诊断为妊娠,孕4个月自觉胎动至今,孕期无明显不适,在当地产检、产科B超未发现异常,1 d前来重庆市第九人民医院门诊检查,B超提示:1单活胎,头位,胎盘2级,羊水指数10 cm,双顶径9.5 cm,估测孕周38周;2右侧腹腔囊性包块,约
First, the summary of the patients 28-year-old, because “38 weeks of pregnancy, B ultrasound prompt pregnancy with right abdominal cystic mass 1 d ” in October 25, 2012 income Chongqing Ninth People’s Hospital. The patient’s last menstrual period February 1, 2012, menopause 1 + month, to the local hospital for examination, urine HCG positive diagnosis of pregnancy, 4 months of pregnancy conscious fetal movement so far, no significant discomfort during pregnancy, the local childbirth, obstetric B ultrasound was not found Abnormal, 1 d came to the Ninth People’s Hospital of Chongqing City, outpatient examination, B-Tip: 1 single live, head position, placenta 2, amniotic fluid index 10 cm, biparietal diameter 9.5 cm, estimated gestational age 38 weeks; Right abdominal cystic mass, about